Monthly Archives: December 2023

Invitation for inaugural session of the *One World for Many Worlds* webinar series

SKY Transformations & GAIA Earth Sansad invite you to the inaugural session of the One World for Many Worlds webinar series.

Has the United Nations failed to live up to its Preamble and Charter?

What is the way forward for peace and harmony worldwide based on truth and justice?

Time: Thursday Dec 14, 2023
0700 pm-0830 pm IST India time

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 825 8546 5580
Passcode: 284787

Agenda Note:

UN Preamble begins with:

to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and

to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and

to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained..

One World for Many Worlds

We are at a momentous turn of history, where old ideologies are making way for a sobering new idea. The idea of a new One World ‘for’ Many Worlds.

A One World that stands up for the innate diversity of our Many Worlds. This is based on a ‘give and give’ philosophy that creates abundance and prosperity as humans have enjoyed all along in their entire known and imagined history. To give and give is not only truly humane, it is the natural thing that every species does, except when they are domesticated by humans. This is the good in our times.

The other side of this binary is a One World that most people understand already exists and are by now dreadfully scared of and even though many express their rage and anger, frustration and anguish, misery and suffering in various degrees, within the spaces that are not yet censored by the ‘controligarchs’, title of a new book on exposing the billionaires, their secret deals, and the globalist plot to dominate your life. This is based on a ‘give and take’ transactional philosophy which itself is conflict-ridden and a form of economic warfare. In this hiding behind profit-maximisation and nationalistic superiority, ‘give and take’ inevitably degenerates into giving less and taking more, creating inequality, injustice, scarcity, deprivation and ultimately self-destruction.

Interestingly, this conflict between the two One Worlds can only be resolved through dialog where meaning flows through. These meetings must also move from global to local levels and from online to real face-to-face, soul-to-soul meetings in settings of love, compassion and kindness, ironically called as ‘offline’, in the new normal. So that past humiliation, hurt pride and trauma, especially in early years can be seen, heard and felt by everyone and we find ways to heal the wounds and scars, instead of spilling over as deep-seated vengeance over certain sections and whole of humanity including themselves.

In the #Endgame where humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction by a War Machine that masqueraded as Civilisation with its monstrously elaborate act of treachery and deception, people across every true religion, ideology, ethnicity, etc. have coalesced into one of the two binaries.

This is epochal as it comes after more than 500 years of the diabolical Doctrine of Discovery that used religion as a ‘moral sanction’ of ethnic cleansing of indigenous people, the native Indians around the world and the massive genocide of Turtle Islands (later renamed as America by the settler-colonisers) from 1600-1675 of 60-70 million people. This must be recorded in history as Holocaust 1.0 and the several such massacres that preceded the purging of the Jews from Europe in the 20th century. What is notable is that the conceptual arrangement of the treachery and deception that presents a War Machine as ‘civilisation’ has remained consistent in these 500 years and is only getting fully exposed in public glare in the aftermath of the 10/7 military raid by the Palestine resistance forces. Unfortunately, even after the Vatican repudiated the Doctrine of Discovery earlier this year on 30 March 2023, it will only be possible through a new world body that is fair, transparent, democratic and effective to undo the historical injustice that has only intensified in the recent times and has pushed humanity to the brink of extinction.

Chandra Vikash
Gaia Earth Sansad

What can we give to save the world from a certain extinction within 12 months from now

A note on the Art of Giving – How we can transition from the prevailing world order of ‘give and take’ to one where we ‘give and give’

The inevitable, as I further cross check and update this morning today is that the global ruling class has surrendered as it is paralysed by its pathological dependence on fossil fuels and goaded by notions of Armageddon in Abrahamic faiths, they would rather play the war games with their MAD frenzy – fast and furious. This reminds me of what Charles Dickens writes in the opening passage of The Tale of Two Cities:

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other wayโ€“in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. ~ A Tale of Two Cities

The Western/Abrahamic world loves this drama and sick and tired of all the barbarism that it has undergone, it will be happy to end the world in its suicidal depression. In such a scenario, we in India, especially in the capital city of Delhi, have a special responsibility and a golden opportunity to lead a new world body like Gaia Nation from within the civil society as an Emergency Response (URGENT & IMMEDIATE).

First some good news. Second, there is no bad news.

The good news is that with my effortlessness of having seen through the ‘civilizational hoax’ early on in my professional career, way back in 1998, I was prepared for the inevitable from very early on. Initially, this created a disillusionment and disenchantment with the corporate world but over time I got bolder and even more ambitious with my life goals. This was just a year after I was gearing up for a promising corporate career with my MBA from IIM Calcutta in 1997. Despite my strong convictions and global ambitions, we sailed through a family life over 21 years for now, with our fair share of highs and lows, trials and tribulations, with all due credit to my lovely and incredible wife Alka Vikash and two celebrity daughters – Akarshita Chandra aka Sania 20 and Parnika Chandra aka Pari 15 – and mother Shiva Shrivastava who has been a powerful inspiration and support all through my life. ๐Ÿ˜‡

To the best of my knowledge and abilities, this is our only last hope to survive and to transcend to a world, we truly care about.

But as it turns out, even the most privileged in the global society and chosen people, who I hold in high esteem and deep respect are busy with business-as-usual, as I infer from a social experiment that I carried out recently with select people in my city in Delhi, India.

Imagine, this microcosm is replayed and scaled up to whole of Delhi NCR, to India and the whole of world. We are not prepared for an Emergency Response. In such moments, the usual thing is that we pray to God to come to our help as the global crises further begins to engulf the worlds we care about and then what we consider as our personal lives. Ask the people of Palestine and thousands such places which are lucky enough that the survivors there are better prepared. This is a shout out to everyone and anyone, who wishes to join in founding #GaiaNation.

The good news is that for a vast majority of humans, very soon, the search for a new messiah – Ram, Krishna, Moses, Jesus or Mohammed will start. Well read on history and having delved deep into these historical characters, my spiritual epiphany is that all of them were human beings like you and I. It is the force of circumstances of the kind of Endgame crises – when everything seems lost – that they realise they are the God force and manifest. It happened with me with my early realisation and years of practice. It will be good to know how you feel about this.

I shall also invite you for coaching sessions both online and offline on how to realise the God within yourself and how to manifest so that we can create a growing tribe that is skilled in the Art of Giving. That is important because when giving is unconditional and empathetic of other’s needs, it creates abundance and all around prosperity. This contrasts with a transactional ‘give and take’, which might show some perceived benefits initially but over time it inevitably degenerates over time into treachery and deception, where the powerful and the privileged take monstrously more than what they give, creating all around scarcity and deprivation, resource wars and conflicts and ultimately self-destruction of the human species. In effect, the only way to stop and reverse this degeneration is by transition to the ‘give and give’ world order. It might seem challenging initially, but with good systems and structures by its practitioners, early adopters and pioneers and capacity building for the masses, we can together, for humanity as a whole cross the chasm.

Welcome to Gaia Nation and let us together create a whole new world that we truly care about.

May the God force be with you!

Om Shanti! ๐Ÿ™

Annexure: Proposed Framework of Gaia Nation

Gaia Nation is proposed as a One World Government with the proposed framework as follows:

a. 80 Provinces with ~100 million people each for the world human population of ~8.1 billion ( alternative estimate is ~7 billion). A province is formed by clustering of contiguous smaller countries and clustering of existing contiguous provinces and districts of bigger countries.
b. Each Province has 50 Districts with each district having a population of ~2 million. Every district has one city (with a population not exceeding 0.5 million and several villages with each village having a population of less than 10,000). Further guidelines for granularity at community and family levels for local consultation.
c. Each District is led by a District Head through consensus and in the last resort after due process of voting.
d. 50 District Heads from every Province select 5 District representatives for the Gaia Nation General Assembly.
e. Gaia Nation General Assembly with 80 Provinces has 400 Province representatives and another 100 members who are selected through nomination based on their area of specialisation for effective global governance.
f. The apex body for Gaia Nation for urgent and important global action such as to stop wars, genocide, mitigate climate crises, phase out fossil fuels is 11-member Peace & Harmony (PH) Council.
g. In close collaboration with the present UN set up, based on a close scrutiny of their need and relevance in a global body, we retain those departments and agencies.
h. The process of transition from UN to Gaia Nation must happen on a Mission Mode at the earliest possible and not later than 31 March 2024.

Plan of Action

Organise a civil society pressure group in India as an immediate response to the Global Emergency to engage with the External Affairs Minister of India and concerned people behind the scenes, for India to host Gaia Nation and for the Government of India to actively participate in this civil society-led initiative.
Formation of Gaia Nation Constituent Assembly
a. Call for nominations for 11-member Gaia Nation Peace & Harmony Council. Process to be completed in 3 weeks by 25 November 2023 in response to the Global Emergency as shared in the note above.
b. The Peace & Harmony Council will draft the Gaia Nation Charter by or before Sunday 10 December 2023. Zero Draft for the same has been shared on the link here :
c. Gaia Nation PHC forms the Gaia Nation Constituent Assembly comprising 5 Province Representatives each from 80 Provinces + 100 lateral nominations from around the world based on relevant specialisation.
d. GN PHC calls nominations for the Constituent Assembly by or before 15 December 2023 and completes the process of drafting Gaia Nation Constitution by 15 January 2024
e. Transition from UN to Gaia Nation of all necessary and relevant department and agencies is completed by 15 March 2024.
f. Gaia Nation is fully functional by or before 5 June 2024.