Monthly Archives: April 2022

Rise Up Gondwana! – Tectonic Shifts in the Global South

Global problems created by the ‘Global North’ can only be solved at a higher level of thinking than which created them. As Covid blows the lid on how it is stuck with heavily invested ‘path dependency’ -deranged and delusional – and ‘sunk costs’ that have wiped out its ‘net worth’ and sanity, can the vindicated and unencumbered Global South, rise to the occasion?

”We have organizations for the preservation of almost everything in life that we want but no organization for the preservation of mankind. People seem to have decided that our collective will is too weak or flawed to rise to this occasion. They see the violence that has saturated human history and conclude that to practice violence is innate to our species. They find the perennial hope that peace can be brought to the earth once and for all a delusion of the well meaning who have refused to face the “harsh realities” of international life – the realities of self-interest, fear, hatred, and aggression. They have concluded that these realities are eternal ones, and this conclusion defeats at the outset any hope of taking the actions necessary for survival.”

– Jonathan Schell, The Fate of the Earth , 1982 referring to the ‘Global North’ mindset

‘Global North’ and ‘Global South’ in the light of Covid

The concept of Global North and Global South is used to describe a grouping of countries along socio-economic  and  political  characteristics as seen from the ‘non-indigenous’ lens of Euro-Western Universalism. Based on a fatally flawed notion of ‘development’ the North–South divide in a global context has brought humanity to the brink of extinction in just a few centuries by the beginning of third decade of the 21st century, with the Global North, the graveyard of the human species, as its pivot. This, in the new post-Covid world order, needs to be replaced by the indigenous lens if we are to preserve mankind with the so far colonised and oppressed ‘Global South’ as Gondwana, the cradle of the human society, as its new pivot.

Global North and Global South in the Old World Order – from the lens of Euro-Western Universalism

The Global South is a term often used to identify the regions of Central and South America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania – which geographically corresponds to Gondwana or Gondwanaland.

Gondwana makes up around two-thirds of today’s continental area, including South America, Africa, Antarctica, Australia, the Indian Subcontinent, Zealandia, and Arabia – and more than 99% of human population that shares its ethos of ‘cradle of life’. These regions that were part of Gondwana have shared floral and zoological elements as well as socio-cultural-spiritual bonds that persist to the present day.

Going beyond geography, Rise up Gondwana! is a call to the human society to move away from the graveyard mindset to a cradle of life mindset.

Shared Bio-geography, Cultural and Spiritual Traditions of Gondwana or Gondwanaland

‘Global South’ is also used with other de-humanising colonial era terms such as “Third World” and “Periphery”, that denote regions outside Europe and North America, mostly (though not all) low-income and often politically or culturally marginalized countries on one side of the so-called North-South divide.

The term as used by governmental and developmental organizations was first introduced as a more open and value-free alternative to “Third World” and similarly potentially “valuing” terms like ‘developing’ countries. Countries of the Global South have been described as newly industrialized or in the process of industrializing, and are frequently current or former subjects of colonialism.

In economic terms, as of early 21st century, the North—with one quarter of the world population—controls four-fifths of the income earned anywhere in the world. 90% of the manufacturing industries are owned by and located in the North. Inversely, the South—with three quarters of the world population—has access to one-fifth of the world income. As nations become economically developed, they may become part of definitions of the “North”, regardless of geographical location; similarly, any nations that do not qualify for “developed” status are in effect deemed to be part of the “South”. Rather than narrowing, this income divide has only become more steep and exploitative in the past two and a half years of the Covid ‘Pandemic’. With a well-orchestrated plan with hoards of lies, deception and hoaxes and malicious and mischievous Propaganda machine, it has ‘downgraded’ more than 99% of humanity to the ‘Global South’ in just over two years leaving behind a long tail of untold miseries, distress, disease and death.

Ukraine War: A new fault line in the Global North

My reading of the current geopolitical dynamics is that with Russia standing on our side in the people’s defense against bio-terrorism, In the 7 April voting to bar Russia from UNHRC, more than 6 billion people voted in support of Russia or abstained and only 1.5 billion around voted against Russia. The world is already divided into 2 camps. Strategically, on the agenda of the bio-psycho-spiritual warfare against humanity, Russia stands with the people 99% of who are now the ‘Global South’.


“I’m tired today. I’m tired of everything. I want to address the leaders of the world. What happens to you? Which evil plan are you designing?
You are people who are trying to deliberately reduce the population. They are doing this at the cost of lives of innocent people. Tyrants of the world I know your sinister plan to reduce the population of this planet. But today history will show you that collective wisdom and common sense are stronger. We demand that you back down on your plan. I stand here in peace today. And we ask you to keep the minds of the youth and the oppressed in peace. Take a firm step to see that I am aware of your plan. Your policies should change immediately. Your media needs to start telling the truth. America and Europe. If you do not [sic] finish your plan you must also face my wrath. Back off your plan. God and my country or death. VIVA!”

– Historic Speech by Vladimir Putin, President of Russia on 3rd April 2022

A failed United Nations : The other fault line in Global North

How UN agencies like IMF WB WHO WTO UNDP are working at cross purposes with not only it’s own Charter and stated goals to stop environmental vandalism and defend peace and harmony but also with many of its agencies that are doing good work on combating land degradation drought and desertification, protecting biodiversity and protecting from climate and ecological catastrophe.

From a closer reading, the world is divided into two camps that has already deepened the Cold War fault line of the Global North – America and Russia. America has control over money system, technologies, puppet regimes but only less than 1.5 billion people on its side. Russia has more than 6 billion people and has the deterrent military power, oil and gas supplies. Both of them have elaborate intelligence and strategy teams for decision support.

The balance of power in this rapidly emerging scenario is with the Mass Formation of nearly half a billion awakened people and activists around the world and reaching out to more than 99% of humanity in the Global South in the post-Covid world. If we can organise in a coherent cohesive and concerted way, to ally with the Russia camp of more than 6 billion people, we can stop the war and disband UN and WHO and also expose and collapse United States with its unmistakable track record as a rogue terrorist state that has destabilised several democratic regimes, wreaked havoc on those countries to loot and plunder its resources and kill and displace hundreds of millions of people since World War II.

Rise Up Gondwana! is a call to reclaim humanity and our indigenous identity to Gaia – Mother Earth, in these dehumanising times when non-indigenous thinking and ways of life over past few centuries have increasingly and in accelerating manner, violated our unalienable rights, our freedom and our unsullied dignity and brought us to the brink of extinction. This War against Nature and against Humanity must come to an end.
It is my firm belief that together, we can resolve complex issues of greed and gluttony, ignorance and hubris, bioterrorism, geopolitical aggression and expansionism, overpopulation, resource wars and ecological catastrophe that are not only making the world highly unsafe, inequitable and unjust, it threatens the very survival of the human species. 

Time to UN-change

In my reading of the situation, at the heart of this highly alarming crisis is a fatally flawed United Nations system that has failed beyond redemption and betrays its own Charter despite patchwork attempts to get it back on track. These failings have been pointed out by many of the world leaders today. 

“UN is outdated and unrepresentative”- Ramaphosa 

1. Emphasizing on the need “to be democratised so that the Council can be true to its mandate and move beyond the paralysis brought about by a few member states 

2. Need to curb the unilateral actions of these countries to shape global politics through aggression and other coercive measures like the imposition of unilateral sanctions.

3. The entire peace and security architecture of the United Nations needs to be overhauled. (1) 

 “We are bigger than Five” – Erdogan

1. Strong support for a just and peaceful international order – Since the conditions that existed after the Second World War have fundamentally changed, the preferences and expectations of the humanity should no longer be held captive to the will of the five permanent members in the UNS;

2. Plea against permanent membership and the accompanying veto mechanism;

3. Call for reforming the UN to render the UNSC more representative, transparent and accountable;

4. Outcry against imperialist interventions

5. A Security Council that does not represent the entire world can never serve to re-establish peace and justice around the world. (2)

“Empire of Lies” – Putin
1. Over the past 30 years we have been patiently trying to come to an agreement with the leading NATO countries regarding the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. Faced either cynical deception and lies or attempts at pressure and blackmail, while the North Atlantic alliance continued to expand despite our protests and concerns. Its military machine is moving and is approaching our very border.

2. The fundamental norms that were adopted following WWII and largely formalized its outcome – came in the way of those who declared themselves the winners of the Cold War

3. First a bloody military operation was waged against Belgrade, without the UN Security Council’s sanction but with combat aircraft and missiles used in the heart of Europe. The bombing of peaceful cities and vital infrastructure went on for several weeks. I have to recall these facts, because some Western colleagues prefer to forget them, and when we mentioned the event, they prefer to avoid speaking about international law, instead emphasizing the circumstances which they interpret as they think necessary.

4. Then came the turn of Iraq, Libya and Syria. The illegal use of military power against Libya and the distortion of all the UN Security Council decisions on Libya ruined the state, created a huge seat of international terrorism, and pushed the country towards a humanitarian catastrophe, into the vortex of a civil war, which has continued there for years. The tragedy, which was created for hundreds of thousands and even millions of people not only in Libya but in the whole region, has led to a large-scale exodus from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe.

5. A similar fate was also prepared for Syria. The combat operations conducted by the Western coalition in that country without the Syrian government’s approval or UN Security Council’s sanction can only be defined as aggression and intervention.(3)

Dissolve itself’ if it cannot punish Russia for war crimes –  Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy  urges UNSC (4)

Humanity continues to do more harm than good to nature, with the planet facing multiple existential threats requiring urgent corrective action – Speakers and panellists today told the Preparatory Committee for “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all — our responsibility, our opportunity”, the international environmental conference scheduled for 2 and 3 June 2022 in Stockholm, Sweden (5) 

Russia Condemns NATO Expansion as Sweden and Finland Consider Joining Alliance 

1. Sweden’s ruling Social Democrats said Monday they will review their long-standing policy of military nonalignment, after some lawmakers demanded Sweden apply for NATO membership.

2. Finnish leaders said they’re considering a plan to end Finland’s long-standing neutrality policy in order to join NATO.

3. “We have repeatedly said that NATO remains a tool geared toward confrontation. It’s not the kind of alliance that ensures peace and stability, and its further expansion will not bring additional security to the European continent.” – Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov

With these and a litany of several other failures, It is time to let go of the UN. Its fatal flaw lies in its skewed, prejudiced and unfair representation to the people around the world by preserving and perpetrating the delusionary and deranged power structure of the shameful and deplorable colonialist era and the European Wars. It is time to ‘UN-change’ to restore sanity and sense with the eternal and indigenous world order based on peace and harmony with nature and within human society. The double subduction effect of these two fault lines will speed up the tectonic shifts in the world order from the Global North to the Global South, with India, playing a vital role, just as it did nearly a hundred million years back as it collided with the Eurasian plate culminating in the monumental Himalayan orogeny that is also regarded as the Third Pole. It led to greater biodiversity that makes Gondwana, the cradle for life.

The Himalayas are a fantastic example of the power of uplift. Photo by Erik Tanghe via Pixabay.

As Covid has shrunk the Global North into a Satanic cult of greedy and gluttonous tribe of few thousand oligarchs and a grotesque and macabrous ideology of Transhumanism as a dead-end graveyard for humanity pushing it to the brink of extinction, Rise Up Gondwana! is harbinger of new tectonic shifts in the Global South of geopolitics. It is time for India to rise up and create a new Himalaya of renewed hope and faith in humanity and restore our greater diversity of Gondwana as a new ‘cradle of life’ when humanity needs it the most.

What is Covid Impasse and its resolution? – Tectonic shifts, ‘Global South’ and New World Order

Covid impasse and its resolution refers to an unstated but increasingly pronounced impasse between the first two ideologies and its resolution by the third way.

One, represented by United Nations, WEF and other aligned forces, which wants to ‘depopulate’ Earth of large sections of humans, by deceptively killing them, as it sees that as the only way to avert climate and ecological catastrophe.

Two is a large group of activists, which blindly opposes the UN and its allies. It opposes not only the ‘depopulation’ agenda but also sees the climate and ecological crises as a conspiracy and alleges geo-engineering and other climate altering weapons. It believes that population is not a problem at all.

Three is a relatively much smaller group, which acknowledges both climate and ecological as well as overpopulation problem (in relation to present state of natural ecosystems) and believes in dialogue and consultation to create a shared vision and plan of action for their resolution of the Covid impasse and to usher towards a healthy harmonious and holistic, indigenous and natural world order.

Representing this ‘third way’, the Gaia Alliance invites people who share the Gondwana spirit as ‘cradle of life’ to share their voices to defend our unalienable rights, our freedom and our unsullied dignity from a most treacherous dehumanising and despiritualising terrorism assault by the Global North.

Key pointers:

  1. How do we dismantle ‘obsolete structures’ like WHO, UN and the totalitarian Nation-states and create ‘parallel structures’ by 22 May 2022 when the 75th session of World Health Assembly begins?
  2. How do we decolonise minds and human habitats and make them human-scale and human appropriate in harmony with nature and within the human species?
  3. How do we reclaim the Indigenous as the soul of Humanity in a peaceful and harmonious way with dialogue and non-violent resistance that is the hallmark of Gondwana culture and political ethos?

Date: Saturday 30 April & Sunday 01 May 2022
Time: (Indian Standard Time) GMT +5:30hrs

Session 1: 8am to 10am (Focus on Oceania and South-East Asia)
Session 2: 12pm to 2pm (Focus on Sothasia/ Indian Sub-continent)
Session 3: 4pm to 6pm (Focus on Afrika)
Session 4: 8pm to 10pm (Focus on South America)

4sessions x 2hrs each x 2 days
Total 16 hrs. 32 speakers x15minutes each = 8 hrs + 8 hrs of interaction

Kindly share names of speakers as voices of your regions and guest speakers from the international arena in the comment box or email to .

Oceania/Australia/New Zealand/South-East Asia : 6 speakers

Suthasia/IIndian Subcontinent : 8 speakers

Arabia: 5 speakers

Afrika: 8 speakers

South & Central America: 5 speakers

You are also invited to join our Afro-Asian Sovereignty Coalition group on
Telegram. Kindly join with this link:

Gaia Nation: Reclaiming the Indigenous as the Soul of Humanity

The call for Gaia Union of the Global Indigenous – GUGLI as a ‘sovereign global indigenous nation’ is a legitimate demand within the present United Nations framework. Here is how.

‘We are all indigenous?’

“We are all Indigenous, irrespective of the color of our skin and our iris, our body structure, our skull size or the length of our noses. We are united and complete by the diversity of our cultures and the kaleidoscopic beauty of our languages and dialects, music and  dance, art and poetry, our healing and learning practices, our food and dressing practices, our houses and sacred spaces – as long as we live with the House Rules on this lovely blue-green planet that we believe and regard as our mother.

It is the non-indigenous – the totalitarian global monoculture, in the dark and diabolical shadows of colonialism – that creates mechanized and monstrous, greedy and gluttonous that borders on the inhuman that is dehumanizing de-spiritualizing and lends itself to the grotesque and macabre ideology of Transhumanism. Reviving our Indigenous is the better way to stop the Totalitarian monster that devours its own children.”

– Resolution of the 37th General Assembly of World Council for Health on Monday 18 April 2022

The 37th General Assembly meeting of World Council of Health on Monday  18th April had 425 million viewers from around the world reaching out to more than 50 countries with ~150 coalition partners. They all resonated with the idea that ‘We are all indigenous’ further to the Gaia proposition of what being indigenous truly means. If we can convey in this truthful fashion that indigenous is about following the ‘house rules’ of Gaia – Mother Earth to live in harmony with nature, a vast majority of people worldwide would self-identify themselves as indigenous.

Pointing out the dire current environmental and climate trends, Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary-General said “humanity is waging war on nature,” and that nature was already striking back with growing force and fury.” Consequently, he said that making peace with nature is the defining task of the 21st century. It must be the top, top priority for everyone, everywhere.”

UN Climate Change News, 2 December 2020

The Old World Order has a name. It is Non-indigenous, Faustian and Totalitarian

It must be clear that it is the non-indigenous or the dehumanised and despiritualised human-like people, groups and organisations based on Faustian Culture that are waging war on nature. If making peace with nature is the defining task of the 21st century, it must begin with by making the UN Declaration for Rights of Indigenous Peoples a globally enforceable mandate that has been lying in cold storage for ~15 years after being passed nearly unanimously by the UN General Assembly in 2007. and for the UN to admit its failures and fatal flaws and hand over to a truly representative and effective world body that is founded on indigenous principles and philosophy.

Indigenous identity and rights are enshrined in the epochal UN Declaration for Rights of Indigenous Peoples passed by the UN General Assembly in 2007. This was later shelved by the non-indigenous machination that has seized a near totalitarian control of the United Nations, instead of making it into a global mandate that holds answers not just for the global health crises primarily due to Terrain Toxicity and sedentary lifestyles but also for the climate and ecological catastrophe. As Dr. Tess Laurie, Mark Trozzi and Michael Alexander in the WCH General Assembly meeting on 24th January averred in the deliberations on Indigenous people and Natural Law raised by program host Dr. Jennifer Hibbert and Reiner Fuellmich, we are all Indigenous to Gaia, our Mother Earth. This is a significant break away from the earlier notion of non-indigenous treating Earth as mere material resource, and in words of Francis Bacon, a concubine to be raped and plundered. 

In the larger picture of what makes *non-indigenous as the dominant paradigm, is the raging debate on Eurocentric Universalism, and its fatally flawed world view.

*The Decline of the West* : In his epochal book written in the aftermath of the first world war, Oswald Spengler prophesied the Western Civilisation as *Faustian Culture*. A Faustian bargain is a pact where supreme moral or spiritual personal values or the soul is sold for some worldly or material benefit, such as knowledge, power, or riches.

Spengler introduces his book as a “Copernican overturning”—a specific metaphor of societal collapse—involving the rejection of the Eurocentric view of history, especially the division of history into the linear “ancient-medieval-modern” rubric. 

According to Spengler, the meaningful units for history are not epochs but whole cultures which evolve as organisms. He recognizes at least eight high cultures: 1. Babylonian, 2. Egyptian, 3. Chinese, 4. Indian, 5. Mesoamerican (Mayan/Aztec), 6. Classical (Greek/Roman, “Apollonian”), 7. Arabian (“Magian”), and 8. Western or European (“Faustian”). Cultures have a lifespan of about a thousand years of flourishing, and a thousand years of decline. The final stage of each culture is, in his word use, a “civilization”.

Spengler also presents the idea of Muslims, Jews and Christians, as well as their Persian and Semitic forebears, being “Magian”; Mediterranean cultures of antiquity such as Ancient Greece and Rome being “Apollonian”; and modern Westerners being “Faustian”.

According to Spengler, *the Western world is ending and we are witnessing the final season, the “winter” of Faustian Civilization.* In Spengler’s depiction, Western Man is a proud but tragic figure because, while he strives and creates, he secretly knows the actual goal will never be reached. Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Joe Biden, Xi Jinping, Jacinda Ardern and Narendra Modi among the powerful ruling elite in sight, who are criminally complicit, are living embodiment of the Western man, proud but tragic figure, who are keenly aware that Totalitarianism is intrinsically dissipative and self-destructive. They are riding on the wave of #MassFormationPsychosis centred on the ill-conceived Covid Plandemic that is certain to explode on their faces. We must however be prepared to create new system and structures for a healthy harmonious and holistic world order.

Gaia Nation is founded with a mission to create a new Mass Formation for Love & Harmony. Dismantling the obsolete structures and making way for new ‘parallel structures’ it calls for dissolution of the United Nations and hand over to the Gaia Nation – ‘Gaia Union of the Global Indigenous’ with immediate effect as an emergency response to the Covid crises that has brought humanity to the brink of extinction and is causing tremendous distress, disease and deaths with each passing day of the non-indigenous world order that the United Nations represents. The new world order will once again be restored to its indigenous principles that the world had strayed and misled from over past 5 centuries of growing non-indigenous ‘colonialists/settlers’ dominance that also tallies with the period of gross imbalances in human population, that is cited as a cause of concern by the UN, as this chart and the historical markers in the ‘linked’ presentation indicate.

UNDRIP 2007 Articles & the demand for Gaia Nation

In light of the above assertions of what truly is indigenous

Article 1: Indigenous peoples have the right to the full enjoyment, as a collective or as individuals, of all 8 human rights and fundamental freedoms as recognized in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law (Resolution 217 A (III)).

Article 2: Indigenous peoples and individuals are free and equal to all other peoples and individuals and have the right to be free from any kind of discrimination, in the exercise of their rights, in particular that based on their indigenous origin or identity.

Article 3: Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. 

Article 4: Indigenous peoples, in exercising their right to self-determination, have the right to autonomy or self-government in matters relating to their internal and local affairs, as well as ways and means for financing their autonomous functions. . 

Article 5: Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State. 

Article 6: Every indigenous individual has the right to a nationality 

Article 7 

7.1. Indigenous individuals have the rights to life, physical and mental integrity, liberty and security of person

7.2. Indigenous peoples have the collective right to live in freedom, peace and security as distinct peoples and shall not be subjected to any act of genocide or any other act of violence, including forcibly removing children of the group to another group

Article 8 

8.1. Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture

8.2. States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and redress for

(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities

(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources

(c) Any form of forced population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights; 

(d) Any form of forced assimilation or integration; 

(e) Any form of propaganda designed to promote or incite racial or ethnic discrimination directed against them. – Propaganda against our Right to choose to vaccinate or not as ‘vaccine hesitancy’

Article 9: Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right to belong to an indigenous community or nation, in accordance with the traditions and customs of the community or nation concerned. No discrimination of any kind may arise from the exercise of such a right. 

Article 10: Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories. No relocation shall take place without the free, prior and informed consent of the indigenous peoples concerned and after agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, with the option of return. 

Article 11 

11.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to practise and revitalize their cultural traditions and customs. This includes the right to maintain, protect and develop the past, present and future manifestations of their cultures, such as archaeological and historical sites, artefacts, designs, ceremonies, technologies and visual and performing arts and literature. 

11.2. States shall provide redress through effective mechanisms, which may include restitution, developed in conjunction with indigenous peoples, with respect to their cultural, intellectual, religious and spiritual property taken without their free, prior and informed consent or in violation of their laws, traditions and customs. (Note: Our body is cultural, intellectual, religious and spiritual property. Can it be forcefully masked, vaccinated, distanced and discriminated against for not submitting to coercion)

Article 12 

12.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to manifest, practise, develop and teach their spiritual and religious traditions, customs and ceremonies; the right to maintain, protect, and have access in privacy to their religious and cultural sites; the right to the use and control of their ceremonial objects; and the right to the repatriation of their human remains. 

12.2. States shall seek to enable the access and/or repatriation of ceremonial objects and human remains in their possession through fair, transparent and effective mechanisms developed in conjunction with indigenous peoples concerned

Article 13 

13.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to revitalize, use, develop and transmit to future generations their histories, languages, oral traditions, philosophies, writing systems and literatures, and to designate and retain their own names for communities, places and persons

13.2. States shall take effective measures to ensure that this right is protected and also to ensure that indigenous peoples can understand and be understood in political, legal and administrative proceedings, where necessary through the provision of interpretation or by other appropriate means. 

Article 14 

14.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to establish and control their educational systems and institutions providing education in their own languages, in a manner appropriate to their cultural methods of teaching and learning. 

14.2. Indigenous individuals, particularly children, have the right to all levels and forms of education of the State without discrimination. 

14.3. States shall, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, take effective measures, in order for indigenous individuals, particularly children, including 14 those living outside their communities, to have access, when possible, to an education in their own culture and provided in their own language. 

Article 15 

15,1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the dignity and diversity of their cultures, traditions, histories and aspirations which shall be appropriately reflected in education and public information. 

15.2. States shall take effective measures, in consultation and cooperation with the indigenous peoples concerned, to combat prejudice and eliminate discrimination and to promote tolerance, understanding and good relations among indigenous peoples and all other segments of society. 

Article 16 

16.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to establish their own media in their own languages and to have access to all forms of non-indigenous media without discrimination. (Note: Discrimination by YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Google etc.)

16.2. States shall take effective measures to ensure that State-owned media duly reflect indigenous cultural diversity. States, without prejudice to ensuring full freedom of expression, should encourage privately owned media to adequately reflect indigenous cultural diversity.

Article 17 

17.1. Indigenous individuals and peoples have the right to enjoy fully all rights established under applicable international and domestic labour law. 

17.2. States shall in consultation and cooperation with indigenous peoples take specific measures to protect indigenous children from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child’s education, or to be harmful to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development, taking into account their special vulnerability and the importance of education for their empowerment. (Note: Indigenous can reject Covid Snake Venom+toxic/hazardous substances Injection being given to children)

17.3. Indigenous individuals have the right not to be subjected to any discriminatory conditions of labour and, inter alia, employment or salary. 

Article 18: Indigenous peoples have the right to participate in decision-making in matters which would affect their rights, through representatives chosen by themselves in accordance with their own procedures, as well as to maintain and develop their own indigenous decision-making institutions. 

Article 19: States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free, prior and informed consent before adopting and implementing legislative or administrative measures that may affect them.

(Note: According to Article 18-19, Indigenous people can reject WHO Pandemic Prevention Preparedness & Response Treaty

Article 20 

20.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and develop their political, economic and social systems or institutions, to be secure in the enjoyment of their own means of subsistence and development, and to engage freely in all their traditional and other economic activities. 

20.2. Indigenous peoples deprived of their means of subsistence and development are entitled to just and fair redress. 

Article 21 

21.1. Indigenous peoples have the right, without discrimination, to the improvement of their economic and social conditions, including, inter alia, in the areas of education, employment, vocational training and retraining, housing, sanitation, health and social security. 

21.2. States shall take effective measures and, where appropriate, special measures to ensure continuing improvement of their economic and social conditions. Particular attention shall be paid to the rights and special needs of indigenous elders, women, youth, children and persons with disabilities. 

Article 22 

22.1. Particular attention shall be paid to the rights and special needs of indigenous elders, women, youth, children and persons with disabilities in the implementation of this Declaration. 

22.2. States shall take measures, in conjunction with indigenous peoples, to ensure that indigenous women and children enjoy the full protection and guarantees against all forms of violence and discrimination. 

Article 23: Indigenous peoples have the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for exercising their right to development. In particular, indigenous peoples have the right to be actively involved in developing and determining health, housing and other economic and social programmes affecting them and, as far as possible, to administer such programmes through their own institutions. 

Article 24

24.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to their traditional medicines and to maintain their health practices, including the conservation of their vital medicinal plants, animals and minerals. Indigenous individuals also have the right to access, without any discrimination, to all social and health services. 

24.2. Indigenous individuals have an equal right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. States shall take the necessary steps with a view to achieving progressively the full realization of this right. 

Article 25: Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinctive spiritual relationship with their traditionally owned or otherwise occupied and used lands, territories, waters and coastal seas and other resources and to uphold their responsibilities to future generations in this regard. 

Article 26 

26.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned, occupied or otherwise used or acquired. 

26.2. Indigenous peoples have the right to own, use, develop and control the lands, territories and resources that they possess by reason of traditional ownership or other traditional occupation or use, as well as those which they have otherwise acquired. 

26.3. States shall give legal recognition and protection to these lands, territories and resources. Such recognition shall be conducted with due respect to the customs, traditions and land tenure systems of the indigenous peoples concerned. 

Article 27: States shall establish and implement, in conjunction with indigenous peoples concerned, a fair, independent, impartial, open and transparent process, giving due recognition to indigenous peoples’ laws, traditions, customs and land tenure systems, to recognize and adjudicate the rights of indigenous peoples pertaining to their lands, territories and resources, including those which were traditionally owned or otherwise occupied or used. Indigenous peoples shall have the right to participate in this process. 

Article 28 

28.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to redress, by means that can include restitution or, when this is not possible, just, fair and equitable compensation, for the lands, territories and resources which they have traditionally owned or otherwise occupied or used, and which have been confiscated, taken, occupied, used or damaged without their free, prior and informed consent. 

28.2. Unless otherwise freely agreed upon by the peoples concerned, compensation shall take 21 the form of lands, territories and resources equal in quality, size and legal status or of monetary compensation or other appropriate redress. 

Article 29 

29.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the conservation and protection of the environment and the productive capacity of their lands or territories and resources. States shall establish and implement assistance programmes for indigenous peoples for such conservation and protection, without discrimination. 

29.2. States shall take effective measures to ensure that no storage or disposal of hazardous materials shall take place in the lands or territories of indigenous peoples without their free, prior and informed consent

29.3. States shall also take effective measures to ensure, as needed, that programmes for monitoring, maintaining and restoring the health of indigenous peoples, as developed and implemented by the peoples affected by such materials, are duly implemented. 

Article 30 

30.1. Military activities shall not take place in the lands or territories of indigenous peoples, unless justified by a relevant public interest or otherwise freely agreed with or requested by the indigenous peoples concerned. 

30.2. States shall undertake effective consultations with the indigenous peoples concerned, through appropriate procedures and in particular through their representative institutions, prior to using their lands or territories for military activities. 

Article 31 

31.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, as well as the manifestations of their sciences, technologies and cultures, including human and genetic resources, seeds, medicines, knowledge of the properties of fauna and flora, oral traditions, literatures, designs, sports and traditional games and visual and performing arts. They also have the 23 right to maintain, control, protect and develop their intellectual property over such cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions

31.2. In conjunction with indigenous peoples, States shall take effective measures to recognize and protect the exercise of these rights. 

Article 32 

32.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for the development or use of their lands or territories and other resources

32.2. States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free and informed consent prior to the approval of any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources, particularly in connection with the development, utilization or exploitation of mineral, water or other resources. 

32.3. States shall provide effective mechanisms for just and fair redress for any such activities, and 24 appropriate measures shall be taken to mitigate adverse environmental, economic, social, cultural or spiritual impact. 

Article 33 

33.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to determine their own identity or membership in accordance with their customs and traditions. This does not impair the right of indigenous individuals to obtain citizenship of the States in which they live. 

33.2. Indigenous peoples have the right to determine the structures and to select the membership of their institutions in accordance with their own procedures. 

Article 34: Indigenous peoples have the right to promote, develop and maintain their institutional structures and their distinctive customs, spirituality, traditions, procedures, practices and, in the cases where they exist, juridical systems or customs, in accordance with international human rights standards. 

Article 35: Indigenous peoples have the right to determine the responsibilities of individuals to their communities

Article 36 

36.1. Indigenous peoples, in particular those divided by international borders, have the right to maintain and develop contacts, relations and cooperation, including activities for spiritual, cultural, political, economic and social purposes, with their own members as well as other peoples across borders. 

36.2. States, in consultation and cooperation with indigenous peoples, shall take effective measures to facilitate the exercise and ensure the implementation of this right. 

Article 37 

37.1. Indigenous peoples have the right to the recognition, observance and enforcement of treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements concluded with States or their successors and to have States honour and respect such treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements. 

37.2. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as diminishing or eliminating the rights of indigenous peoples contained in treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements. 

Article 38: States in consultation and cooperation with indigenous peoples, shall take the appropriate measures, including legislative measures, to achieve the ends of this Declaration. 

Article 39 Indigenous peoples have the right to have access to financial and technical assistance from States and through international cooperation, for the enjoyment of the rights contained in this Declaration. 

Article 40 Indigenous peoples have the right to access to and prompt decision through just and fair procedures for the resolution of conflicts and disputes with States or other parties, as well as to effective remedies for all infringements of their individual and collective rights. Such a decision shall give due consideration to the customs, traditions, rules and legal systems of the indigenous peoples concerned and international human rights. 

Article 41 The organs and specialized agencies of the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations shall contribute to the full realization of the provisions of this Declaration through the mobilization, inter alia, of financial cooperation and technical assistance. Ways and means of ensuring participation of indigenous peoples on issues affecting them shall be established

Article 42: The United Nations, its bodies, including the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, and specialized agencies, including at the country level, and States shall promote respect for and full application of the provisions of this Declaration and follow up the effectiveness of this Declaration. 

Article 43: The rights recognized herein constitute the minimum standards for the survival, dignity and well-being of the indigenous peoples of the world. 

Article 44: All the rights and freedoms recognized herein are equally guaranteed to male and female indigenous individuals. 

Article 45: Nothing in this Declaration may be construed as diminishing or extinguishing the rights indigenous peoples have now or may acquire in the future. 

Article 46 

46.1. Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, people, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act contrary to the Charter of the United Nations or construed as authorizing or encouraging any action which would dismember or impair, totally or in part, the territorial integrity or political unity of sovereign and independent States

46.2. In the exercise of the rights enunciated in the present Declaration, human rights and fundamental freedoms of all shall be respected. The exercise of the rights set forth in this Declaration shall be subject only to such limitations as are determined by law and in accordance with international human rights obligations. Any such limitations shall be non-discriminatory and strictly necessary solely for the purpose of securing due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and for meeting the just and most compelling requirements of a democratic society. 

46.3. The provisions set forth in this Declaration shall be interpreted in accordance with the principles of justice, democracy, respect for human rights, equality, non-discrimination, good governance and good faith.

Who are indigenous peoples? – UN Fact Sheet

According to UN Fact Sheet on Who are indigenous peoples?, it is estimated that out of nearly 7.8 billion people on Earth, only more than 370 million indigenous people spread across 70 countries worldwide. It thereby claims that nearly 7.4 billion people, or 94.78% are not indigenous – not the Indian, the Chinese, the Afrikans which together constitute ~54% of world population – or even the French, German, Swedish or Russians.

The UN fact sheet says that indigenous people practice unique traditions, they retain social, cultural, economic and political characteristics that are distinct from those of the dominant societies in which they live. Are we saying that even after 75 years of the UN Charter and 22 years of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous issues, indigenous are only those which are still dominated in their own lands.

Is this not admission of a colossal failure of the UN system? On the principles laid down in the Preamble of its Charter that states: WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom?

The UN fact sheet mentions that indigenous peoples are spread across the world from the Arctic to the South Pacific, they are the descendants – according to a common definition – of those who inhabited a country or a geographical region at the time when people of different cultures or ethnic origins arrived. The new arrivals later became dominant through conquest, occupation, settlement or other means. Among the indigenous peoples are those of the Americas (for example, the Lakota in the USA, the Mayas in Guatemala or the Aymaras in Bolivia), the Inuit and Aleutians of the circumpolar region, the Saami of northern Europe, the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders of Australia and the Maori of New Zealand. These and most other indigenous peoples have retained distinct characteristics which are clearly different from those of other segments of the national populations.

In the next section, understanding the term “indigenous”, it admits that considering the diversity of indigenous peoples, an official definition of “indigenous” has ‘not’ been adopted by any UN-system body. Instead the system has developed a modern understanding of this term based on the following:

  1. Self- identification as indigenous peoples at the individual level and accepted by the community as their member.’
    Most people around the world today self-identify themselves as indigenous peoples. How does the UN arrive at the number of 370 million or less than 5% of human population as ‘indigenous’ even without an official definition?
  2. Historical continuity with pre-colonial and/or pre-settler societies
    What if the historical continuity has been ruptured and people are unable to reconnect with pre-colonial and/or pre-settler societies as they are still dominated and are denied their fundamental human rights, their freedom and their unsullied dignity and recourse to justice in the present system as per the UN Charter?
  3. Strong link to territories and surrounding natural resources
    Like many other species, humans are migratory and they do it as per their need and wants. Why should we presume that these migrations are necessarily to ‘colonise’ or ‘settle’ in territories that disrupts or robs the indigenous societies that may be previously living there?
    Could these be previously uninhabited areas or could the migrants be living in harmony with already present communities ?
    In a dynamic planet with changing geo-climatic conditions, why should UN presume the ‘indigenous’ to be historically ‘static’?
  4. Distinct social, economic or political systems
  5. ‘Distinct language, culture and beliefs’
    What should indigenous social, economic or political systems be distinct from?
    What if they are even today systemically denied their freedom to have their indigenous, economic or political system and their indigenous language, culture and beliefs?
    Why should indigenous systems and ways of life always be distinct from each other?
    What about the global indigenous social, economic and political systems, language, culture and beliefs?
  6. Form non-dominant groups of society
    Why should the UN presume that indigenous peoples should always be non-dominant groups of society? In an era of globalization, what about global domination by the non-indigenous colonisers, even if the indigenous peoples are dominant locally but subverted by globalist non-indigenous forces?
  7. Resolve to maintain and reproduce their ancestral environments and systems as distinctive peoples and communities
    Why should this presume that ancestral environments and systems are static and that indigenous people should not innovate and adapt to the changing realities – whether natural or manmade – in their own ways based on indigenous principles of living in harmony with nature and with human societies? Why should these always be ‘distinct’ from each other ?

A question of identity

• According to the UN the most fruitful approach is to identify, rather than define indigenous peoples. This is based on the fundamental criterion of self-identification as underlined in a number of human rights documents.

• The term “indigenous” has prevailed as a generic term for many years. In some countries, there may be preference for other terms including tribes, first peoples/nations, aboriginals, ethnic groups, adivasi, janajati. Occupational and geographical terms like hunter-gatherers, nomads, peasants, hill people, etc., also exist and for all practical purposes can be used interchangeably with “indigenous peoples”.

• In many cases, the notion of being termed “indigenous” has negative connotations and some people may choose not to reveal or define their origin. Others must respect such choices, while at the same time working against the discrimination of indigenous peoples.

Culture and Knowledge

Indigenous peoples are the holders of unique languages, knowledge systems and beliefs and possess invaluable knowledge of practices for the sustainable management of natural resources. They have a special relation to and use of their traditional land. Their ancestral land has a fundamental importance for their collective physical and cultural survival as peoples. Indigenous peoples hold their own diverse concepts of development, based on their traditional values, visions, needs and priorities. Political participation Indigenous peoples often have much in common with other neglected segments of societies, i.e. lack of political representation and participation, economic marginalization and poverty, lack of access to social services and discrimination. Despite their cultural differences, the diverse indigenous peoples share common problems also related to the protection of their rights. They strive for recognition of their identities, their ways of life and their right to traditional lands, territories and natural resources.

We are all indigenous – II

A beautiful touching story that so lucidly captures the trauma and travails of the colonisers and settler societies on the vital lies that they must hide from their own conscious minds. But the simple truth as the storyteller avers is that the realization deep down that “We are all indigenous” is a cathartic one.


“A voice speaks from the darkest corner. A woman’s voice—strong, settled, confident. She gives a prayer in an indigenous language, a tongue my ears don’t understand. She shifts to English for a moment, calling on the ancestors for protection, honoring them, and thanking them for all life. She prays for the waters, the sky, the rocks. She prays for the people, to be at peace with one another and with all our relations, to live in joyful communion with nature and spirit.

Just as I wonder whether this woman might be asking too much of human beings, she utters something clear and wonderful that catches my attention:

“We are all indigenous.”

She repeats it again, and again. We are all indigenous. We are all indigenous. We are all indigenous to this Earth.

“I am indigenous to this land. And so are you,” she says. “I am indigenous to these waters, and so are you. I am indigenous to this soil, and a child of Mother Earth, and so are you. All of us—all of us—are indigenous to this world. We belong to it. It is our home.”

She continues, “If we are to find peace with one another, we must understand that this planet is our mother, and we are all brothers and sisters. We were all born from the same womb. There is no such thing as my land and yours, unless we say it is so. And if we don’t care for the land as our mother, if we don’t care for our shared home together, we are in danger of destroying her. Please, join with me.”

The room falls quiet. The only light comes from strands of twinkling bulbs strewn across the floor, and their reflections in the many mirrors that circle the room. Blue and white sparkles surround us all like stars. For a moment, a shared understanding fills the room that we are all one, of the same mother, praying under the same sky. And then the dancing begins.

I understand there’s a danger in making the statement, “We are all indigenous.”

In the fall, we celebrate Native American Heritage Month in our country. As I ponder the meaning of that celebration, I think of a comment I heard recently from philosopher Noam Chomsky, remarking on a review of a book by someone he calls a “major American historian.” He said, the book’s author mentions that when early European explorers came to the Western Hemisphere there had been approximately one million native people living up and down the length of the continent. But the historian was far off in estimates of the true population, which Chomsky says would have been closer to 60-70 million.

Why the discrepancy? How did a historian miss 59 million-or-more people and instead only report one million?

Answer: by failing to count the millions upon millions of indigenous people of those lands who were killed—by disease, famine, and war—in the wake of the European settlers’ arrival. Why were those people either not counted, or dis-counted? Did the European settlers (or historians) of that time not see those many millions of people? Did they see them, but not see them as people? Did they see them as people, but following some narrow-eyed convention of the day, presume the native people of the Americas literally did not count? Or, did they see it all and just decide to cook the numbers to hide any blood that might be on their hands?

We are all indigenous – III

“As a Mohawk elder told me once, there was once a time on this planet when all of the races were doing just the same, sitting around fires, prayingto the elemental forces of nature and the Earth and to the mysticism of the skies and stars above; hovelling in circle and community; seeking to connect and live with the land and each other in the most peaceful and harmonious way possible.

This same elder told me that it was an old prophecy that the indigenous of Turtle Island knew that destructive peoples would come one day and many of them would die by their hands. The prophecy foretold that these peoples were struck with madness and that, in fact, they had come all this way to be healed by them, but that the red people would have to go through much sacrifice to help them.

It is time we honoured the sacrifices of our indigenous brethren and go humbly to them to understand them; to learn about their love of their Earth which we have twisted into something dangerous.

It is time, because there is no more time; this is why they’re again putting their lives on the line, for something greater.”


The questions that this raises in my mind are as follows:

Shall we shy away from, deny or defer this stark realization even when this might be our best chance to #StopTheTreaty and #DisbandWHO by creating a mass formation for Gaia Nation as a global indigenous humanist sovereign – a parallel structure in the letter and spirit of UN Declaration for Rights of Indigenous Peoples?

Shall we deny our children their right to life, to good health and well-being just because we can’t come to terms with this dark side of human history?

Shall we agree to be labelled as the non-indigenous, fully aware that it borders on being inhuman and lends itself to the dehumanising and despiritualising descent into the grotesque and macabre ideology of Transhumanism?

#VitalLiesSimpleTruths #WeAreAllIndigenous

What is United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UNDRIP 2007?

The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) was adopted by the General Assembly on Thursday, 13 September 2007, by a majority of 144 states in favour, 4 votes against (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States) and 11 abstentions (Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burundi, Colombia, Georgia, Kenya, Nigeria, Russian Federation, Samoa and Ukraine). Click here to view the voting record.

Years later the four countries that voted against have reversed their position and now support the UN Declaration. Today the Declaration is the most comprehensive international instrument on the rights of indigenous peoples. It establishes a universal framework of minimum standards for the survival, dignity and well-being of the indigenous peoples of the world and it elaborates on existing human rights standards and fundamental freedoms as they apply to the specific situation of indigenous peoples. 

The UNDRIP (A/RES/61/295) resolution was adopted by the General Assembly on 13 September 2007. The General Assembly, taking note of the recommendation of the Human Rights Council contained in its resolution 61/178 of 20 December 2006, decided to defer consideration of and action on the Declaration to allow time for further consultations and also decided to conclude its consideration before the end of the sixty-first session of the General Assembly,

Call for Action

1. The Gaia Nation Inaugural Summit

Friday 22 April to Tuesday 26 April 2022

Session I: Press Announcement: Can this GUGLI bowl out the old, non-indigenous and totalitarian Covid world order? – Launch function of Gaia Union of the Global Indigenous
Friday 22nd April 2022 8pm IST

Session II: The Gaia Nation Constituent Assembly Meeting
Saturday 23rd April 2022 4pm IST

Session III: Preparatory Meetings for a. PFII Annual Session, b. UNCCD COP15, c. Better Way Conference, d. Stockholm +50 and e. GAIA Earth Sansad Foundation from 26 April to 5 June, 2022
Sunday 24th April 2022 4pm IST

2. PFII Annual Session  

25 April to 6 May 2022, New York & Online

2.1 Seek endorsement from friendly member-states
2.2 Create consensus for global enforceable mandate for UN Declaration for Rights of Indigenous People passed by UN General Assembly in 2007
2.3 As global indigenous, we are the stewards and custodians for grassroots to global political judicial economic systems as per UNDRIP 2007
2.4 Move resolution at PFII Annual Session to dissolve WHO and UN and hand over to the global indigenous by 20 May and 5 June 2022 respectively



9-20 May 2022 Abidjan, Ivory Coast

3.1 Global mandate for enforcement of LACE-GAIA model to combat desertification, land degradation and drought
3.2 Amalgamation with Climate Change UNCCF, Bio-diversity and UNEP into a streamlined unit
3.3 Dissolution of UN agencies working at cross-purposes with environment agenda – WTO, IMF, WB etc.
Report on UNCCD COP 14 :

4. Better Way Conference

Bath, UK and online, 20-22 May 2022

4.1 Conversation 1: Reclaiming Humanity as the Indigenous (not just Science)

Keynote: We are all Indigenous irrespective of the colour of our skin and our iris, our body structure  our skull size or the length of nose. We are united – robust and whole – by the diversity of our languages and the kaleidoscopic beauty of our languages and dialects, music and  dance, art and poetry, our healing and learning practices, our food and dressing practices, our houses and sacred spaces. It is the non-indigenous – the monstrous monoculture, mechanized and monstrous, greedy and gluttonous that borders on the inhuman that is dehumanizing despiritualizing and lends itself to the grotesque and macabrous ideology of Transhumanism. Reviving our Indigenous is the better way to stop the Totalitarian monster that devours its own children.

4.2 Conversation 2: Disbanding WHO and United Nations for being criminal conspirators and betraying their own Charters

 (Managing C19 Health Consequences is important but not a strategic issue at this critical juncture. We need to work closely together for dialogue with favourable state actors especially as the world is already divided into 2 camps after the Russia/UNHRC voting in UNGA on 7th April)

If you see the two graphics carefully, majority of people globally who are unvaxxed or oppose the Covid genocide also overtly or covertly support Russia and its powerful allies – China South Africa Brazil and India against the Transhumanist World Order.

4.3 Conversation 3: Think Global, Act Local: Fostering Active  Communities for localised abundance and circular economies (we need to build the capacity and create policy frameworks to make the changes on the ground)
4.4 Conversation 4: Reclaiming & Revolutionizing Media and the communication channels
4.5 Conversation 5,6 and 7 (to be merged together with 3 sub-topics): Creating ‘Parallel Structures’ of grassroots to global governance system with GAIA Earth Sansad- A Better Way 

a. Law, Justice, & Human Rights

An astonishing number of people are building the better way around our world. This lighthouse into our future is built on awareness and creating new ways of living, grounded in community, in resilience, in ideas ancient and new. How do we actively create a world in which people thrive?

b. Health, Environment, & Sovereignty

From soil to water and food, the relationship between health, environment, and sovereignty are seamlessly intertwined. As we walk towards a healthy and independent future, we engage one of the most important questions: How do we identify and address environmental health challenges? 

c. Innovate, Integrate, & Meditate

Humans are instinctively drawn to an integrated approach to health, a return to nature, and frequencies of wellness and trust. A health revolution is in our midst, sparked by compassion, courage, and innovation. How do we innovate integrative approaches to managing our health?


5. Stockholm +50 Int’l Environment Meeting

2-3 June 2022, Stockholm, Sweden

5.1 ‘Humanity Still Doing More Harm than Good to Nature, Speakers Warn Preparatory Committee’ : Dialogue on Corrective Action

5.2 Gaia resolution for globally enforceable mandate for LACE-GAIA model for localised abundance and circular economies & for Devolution of economic powers and commons to grassroots community-states 

(3900-4000 Community-States with population of ~2 million each and not more than one central city/hub with population limit of 0.5 million and geographical limits)


6. Foundation of GAIA Earth Sansad

5 June 2022, Durban, South Africa

6.1 New global constitution based on UNDRIP 2007, Declaration of Peace & Cessation of War (DPCW) and LACE-GAIA Model
6.2 Transition and Handover meeting with United Nations system
6.3 Announcement of timeline and action plan and policy framework for healthy harmonious and holistic world order and restoring natural eco-systems to protect, support and strengthen indigenous ways of life

Plan of Action – 20 April to 5 June 2022

Dismantle Obsolete Structures and Create ‘Parallel Structure’ in Six and a half weeks (3 fortnights / 45 days)

Note: The 37th General Assembly meeting of World Council of Health on Monday  18th April had 425 million viewers from around the world reaching out to more than 50 countries with ~150 coalition partners. With our continuing efforts, this *Mass Formation of Awakened People and Activists* of nearly half a billion people would be the 3rd largest country in the world. I proposed this Plan of Action for all concerned to consolidate our forces and surge ahead with greater momentum and a coherent and cohesive narrative and concerted campaign.

This is a draft proposal for feedback suggestions and further detailing with roles and responsibilities, resource requirements and shared commitment to the need for Emergency Response to the Totalitarian crises spiralling out of control – growing distress disease and deaths, assault on our unalienable rights our freedom and our unsullied dignity and the irreparable damage to our natural ecosystems.

Link: ‘A Better Way for healthy  harmonious  and holistic world order and Indigenous ways of life’ presentation on Mon 18 April at WCH 37th General  Assembly meeting : 

Program Schedule & Agenda

1. 20 April to 26 April 2022 – Consolidation of the Mass Formation of Awakened People and Activists, World Council for Health along with 150 coalition partners from 50 countries worldwide; other organisations groups and persons into ‘Parallel Structures’ with Shadow roles and responsibilities for a streamlined lean agile effective and responsive world body to take the hand over as we disband UN / WHO system along with all the corrupted and compromised government establishments upto the grassroots levels.

2. 25 April to 6 May 2022 – Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Annual Session, New York, US & Online

3. 9 May to 20 May 2022 – UN Convention to Combat Desertification, Land Degradation & Drought COP 15, Abidjan, Ivory Coast

4. 20-22 May 2022 – Better Way Conference, Bath UK

5. 2-3 June 2022 – Stockholm +50 Int’l Environment Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden

6. 5 June 2022 – Foundation of WCH++ and GAIA Earth Sansad++, Durban, South Africa


1. Working Sessions 20 April to 26 April 2022 Online

1.1 Working Session I: World Health Alliance Steering Committee

1.2 Working Session II: Gaia Earth Sansad Constituent Assembly

1.3 Working Session III: Preparatory Meetings for a. PFII Annual Session, b. UNCCD COP15, c. Better Way Conference, d. Stockholm +50 and e. GAIA Earth Sansad Foundation from 26 April to 5 June, 2022

2. PFII Annual Session  25 April to 6 May 2022, New York & Online

2.1 Seek endorsement from friendly member-states

2.2 Create consensus for global enforceable mandate for UN Declaration for Rights of Indigenous People passed by UN General Assembly in 2007

2.3 As global indigenous, we are the stewards and custodians for grassroots to global political judicial economic systems as per UNDRIP 2007

2.4 Move resolution at PFII Annual Session to dissolve WHO and UN and hand over to the global indigenous by 20 May and 5 June 2022 respectively


3. UNCCD COP 15 9-20 May 2022 Abidjan, Ivory Coast

3.1 Global mandate for enforcement of LACE-GAIA model to combat desertification, land degradation and drought 

3.2 Amalgamation with Climate Change UNCCF, Bio-diversity and UNEP into a streamlined unit

3.3 Dissolution of UN agencies working at cross-purposes with environment agenda – WTO, IMF, WB etc.

Report on UNCCD COP 14 :

4. Better Way Conference, Bath, UK and online, 20-22 May 2022

4.1 Conversation 1: Reclaiming Humanity as the Indigenous (not just Science)

Keynote: We are all Indigenous irrespective of the colour of our skin and our iris, our body structure  our skull size or the length of nose. We are united – robust and whole – by the diversity of our languages and the kaleidoscopic beauty of our languages and dialects, music and  dance, art and poetry, our healing and learning practices, our food and dressing practices, our houses and sacred spaces. It is the non-indigenous – the monstrous monoculture, mechanized and monstrous, greedy and gluttonous that borders on the inhuman that is dehumanizing despiritualizing and lends itself to the grotesque and macabrous ideology of Transhumanism. Reviving our Indigenous is the better way to stop the Totalitarian monster that devours its own children.

4.2 Conversation 2: Disbanding WHO and United Nations for being criminal conspirators and betraying their own Charters

 (Managing C19 Health Consequences is important but not a strategic issue at this critical juncture. We need to work closely together for dialogue with favourable state actors especially as the world is already divided into 2 camps after the Russia/UNHRC voting in UNGA on 7th April)

If you see the two graphics carefully, majority of people globally who are unvaxxed or oppose the Covid genocide also overtly or covertly support Russia and its powerful allies – China South Africa Brazil and India against the Transhumanist World Order.

4.3 Conversation 3: Think Global, Act Local: Fostering Active  Communities for localised abundance and circular economies (we need to build the capacity and create policy frameworks to make the changes on the ground)

4.4 Conversation 4: Reclaiming & Revolutionizing Media and the communication channels

4.5 Conversation 5,6 and 7 (to be merged together with 3 sub-topics): Creating ‘Parallel Structures’ of grassroots to global governance system with GAIA Earth Sansad- A Better Way 

a. Law, Justice, & Human Rights

An astonishing number of people are building the better way around our world. This lighthouse into our future is built on awareness and creating new ways of living, grounded in community, in resilience, in ideas ancient and new. How do we actively create a world in which people thrive?

b. Health, Environment, & Sovereignty

From soil to water and food, the relationship between health, environment, and sovereignty are seamlessly intertwined. As we walk towards a healthy and independent future, we engage one of the most important questions: How do we identify and address environmental health challenges? 

c. Innovate, Integrate, & Meditate

Humans are instinctively drawn to an integrated approach to health, a return to nature, and frequencies of wellness and trust. A health revolution is in our midst, sparked by compassion, courage, and innovation. How do we innovate integrative approaches to managing our health?


5. Stockholm +50 Int’l Environment Meeting 2-3 June 2022, Stockholm, Sweden

5.1 ‘Humanity Still Doing More Harm than Good to Nature, Speakers Warn Preparatory Committee’ : Dialogue on Corrective Action

5.2 Gaia resolution for globally enforceable mandate for LACE-GAIA model for localised abundance and circular economies & for Devolution of economic powers and commons to grassroots community-states 

(3900-4000 Community-States with population of ~2 million each and not more than one central city/hub with population limit of 0.5 million and geographical limits)


6. Foundation of GAIA Earth Sansad 5 June 2022, Durban, South Africa

6.1 New global constitution based on UNDRIP 2007, Declaration of Peace & Cessation of War (DPCW) and LACE-GAIA Model

6.2 Transition and Handover meeting with United Nations system

6.3 Announcement of timeline and action plan and policy framework for healthy harmonious and holistic world order and restoring natural eco-systems to protect, support and strengthen indigenous ways of life


Best Regards,

Chandra Vikash
Convenor – GES
GAIA Earth Sansad
+91 8595397605
twitter: @GSansad

Reference: ‘A Better Way for healthy  harmonious  and holistic world order and Indigenous ways of life’

Short Story of a ‘Diehard Nationalist’ ‘Supremacist’ and ‘Bigot’ Who Ruled for 21 years Before his Tragic Death

Benito Mussolini was ‘Prime Minister’ of Italy from 1922 to 1943. Mussolini inspired and supported the international spread of fascist movements during the inter-war period between the two European Wars of 20th Century. His story of meteoric rise and abject fall as a Totalitarian monster is an apt reminder for humanity, at a time when this hydra-headed monster has been raising its ugly head once again to devour our children with its insatiable greed and gluttony and a psychopathic and morbid obsession to control, subjugate and enslave humankind.

Before we get to Mussolini’s tragic story, here is a perspective on how the predominantly European Wars, with the exception of Japan, were erroneously called as First and Second World Wars. It was because of the fatally flawed but then dominant Euro-Western Universalism, that started as a land grabbing spree and butchering or subjugation of native human society around the world riding on the Doctrine of Discovery and then in dialectical approach the European Renaissance, enormous amount of intellectual regurgitation of native wisdom, it sought to bring Enlightenment to the world and civilise the savages to progress. However, steeped in ignorance, hubris and vanity, it violated the fundamental principles of living in harmony with nature and created new technological solutions that ignored those fatal flaws, and thus created hundreds of new problems, that mired humanity into greater inequality, injustice and deepening ecological crises over successive centuries, even as it deluded us with the utilitarian fantasy of maximum good for maximum people. This Faustian Culture is now in its death throes in the third decade of the 21st century.

Over nearly 5 centuries of its global dominance, it has created an unsavoury legacy and a popular error of dividing humans into indigenous and non-indigenous. Bordering on the inhuman, driven by greed and gluttony, creating hoaxes and hypnosis to drill fears and insecurities, besides use of brute force, the Euro-Western Universalism lends itself now to the grotesque and macabrous ideology of trans-humanism, with proponents like Yuval Noah Harari, the top adviser of Klaus Shwab, founder of the totalitarian monster called as World Economic Forum.

The curse of Faustian bargain, as Oswald Spengler in his epochal ‘Decline of the West’ in aftermath of First European War calls out to describe the degenerate Euro-Western Culture, is manifesting as the Totalitarian monster devouring its children, by injecting them with a treacherous poisonous injection, that will make them infertile and cause lifelong illnesses, heart attacks, organ failures and cancer, thus killing them prematurely. But before that, it will turn them into feeble and docile slaves of the Trans-humanist agenda, for as long as they are alive.

In what seems to many as stranger than fiction in 2022, this bigotry and hatred towards fellow humans and the morbid desire to control those who survived continues even today in nations like Brazil Canada France New Zealand South Africa and India but cleverly disguised as Pandemic Control.

Among those who believe that reality today is stranger than the ‘1984’ fiction by George Orwell, and alarm bells raised by Gustave Le Bon, Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Hannah Arendt, Walter Benjamin, Franz Kafka, Vaclav Havel, David Graeber and most recently Mattias Desmet, was 20-year old Karunya, a healthy and intelligent youth who died three weeks after taking the first Covishield injection. I met the bereaved family in Coimbatore – her mother Suzini, father Venugopalan Govindan and younger brother Kartik. She was not only a bright and vivacious livewire of the family, Carnatic music vocalist, Veena and Tabla player, she was also a critical thinker. The last book she had read was ‘1984’ as her mother showed me passages she had underlined. Here is an interview with her father, in Coimbatore, in January earlier this year.

Coming back to our short story, Mussolini was originally a socialist politician and a journalist at the Avanti! newspaper. In 1912, he became a member of the National Directorate of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI), but he was expelled from the PSI for advocating military intervention in World War I, in opposition to the party’s stance on neutrality.

Mussolini denounced the PSI, his views now centering on Italian nationalism instead of socialism, and later founded the fascist movement which advocated “revolutionary nationalism” transcending class lines. On 31 October 1922, Mussolini was appointed prime minister.

After removing all political opposition through his secret police and outlawing labor strikes, Mussolini and his followers consolidated power through a series of laws that transformed the nation into a one-party dictatorship. Within five years, Mussolini had established dictatorial authority by both legal and illegal means and aspired to create a totalitarian state. In 1929, Mussolini signed the Lateran Treaty with the Holy See to establish Vatican City.

Mussolini asserted there was a “natural law” for stronger peoples to subject and dominate “inferior” peoples such as the “barbaric” Slavic peoples of Yugoslavia. He stated in a September 1920 speech:

“When dealing with such a race as Slavic—inferior and barbarian—we must not pursue the carrot, but the stick policy … We should not be afraid of new victims … The Italian border should run across the Brenner Pass, Monte Nevoso and the Dinaric Alps … I would say we can easily sacrifice 500,000 barbaric Slavs for 50,000 Italians.”
— Benito Mussolini, speech held in Pola, 20 September 1920

While Italy occupied former Austro-Hungarian areas between years 1918 and 1920, five hundred “Slav” societies (for example Sokol) and slightly smaller number of libraries (“reading rooms”) had been forbidden, specifically so later with the Law on Associations (1925), the Law on Public Demonstrations (1926) and the Law on Public Order (1926)—the closure of the classical lyceum in Pazin, of the high school in Voloska (1918), and the five hundred Slovene and Croatian primary schools followed. One thousand “Slav” teachers were forcibly exiled to Sardinia and to Southern Italy.

The Fascisti, led by one of Mussolini’s close confidants, Dino Grandi, formed armed squads of war veterans called blackshirts (or squadristi) with the goal of restoring order to the streets of Italy with a strong hand. The blackshirts clashed with communists, socialists, and anarchists at parades and demonstrations; all of these factions were also involved in clashes against each other. The Italian government rarely interfered with the blackshirts’ actions, owing in part to a looming threat and widespread fear of a communist revolution. The Fascisti grew rapidly; within two years they transformed themselves into the National Fascist Party at a congress in Rome. In 1921, Mussolini won election to the Chamber of Deputies for the first time. In the meantime, from about 1911 until 1938, Mussolini had various affairs with the Jewish author and academic Margherita Sarfatti, called the “Jewish Mother of Fascism” at the time.

In the night between 27 and 28 October 1922, about 30,000 Fascist blackshirts gathered in Rome to demand the resignation of liberal Prime Minister Luigi Facta and the appointment of a new Fascist government. On the morning of 28 October, King Victor Emmanuel III, who according to the Albertine Statute held the supreme military power, refused the government request to declare martial law, which led to Facta’s resignation. The King then handed over power to Mussolini (who stayed in his headquarters in Milan during the talks) by asking him to form a new government. The King’s controversial decision has been explained by historians as a combination of delusions and fears; Mussolini enjoyed wide support in the military and among the industrial and agrarian elites, while the King and the conservative establishment were afraid of a possible civil war and ultimately thought they could use Mussolini to restore law and order in the country, but failed to foresee the danger of a totalitarian evolution.

Between 1925 and 1927, Mussolini progressively dismantled virtually all constitutional and conventional restraints on his power and built a police state. A law passed on 24 December 1925—Christmas Eve for the largely Roman Catholic country—changed Mussolini’s formal title from “President of the Council of Ministers” to “Head of the Government”, although he was still called “Prime Minister” by most non-Italian news sources. He was no longer responsible to Parliament and could be removed only by the King. While the Italian constitution stated that ministers were responsible only to the sovereign, in practice it had become all but impossible to govern against the express will of Parliament. The Christmas Eve law ended this practice, and also made Mussolini the only person competent to determine the body’s agenda. This law transformed Mussolini’s government into a de facto legal dictatorship. Local autonomy was abolished, and podestàs appointed by the Italian Senate replaced elected mayors and councils.

Mussolini launched several public construction programs and government initiatives throughout Italy to combat economic setbacks or unemployment levels. His earliest (and one of the best known) was the Battle for Wheat, by which 5,000 new farms were established and five new agricultural towns (among them Littoria and Sabaudia) on land reclaimed by draining the Pontine Marshes.

The Battle for Wheat diverted valuable resources to wheat production away from other more economically viable crops. Landowners grew wheat on unsuitable soil using all the advances of modern science, and although the wheat harvest increased, prices rose, consumption fell and high tariffs were imposed. The tariffs promoted widespread inefficiencies and the government subsidies given to farmers pushed the country further into debt.

In 1930, in “The Doctrine of Fascism” he wrote, “The so-called crisis can only be settled by State action and within the orbit of the State.” He tried to combat economic recession by introducing a “Gold for the Fatherland” initiative, encouraging the public to voluntarily donate gold jewelry to government officials in exchange for steel wristbands bearing the words “Gold for the Fatherland”.

Mussolini’s foremost priority was the subjugation of the minds of the Italian people through the use of propaganda. The regime promoted a lavish cult of personality centered on the figure of Mussolini. He pretended to incarnate the new fascist Übermensch, promoting an aesthetic of exasperated Machismo that attributed to him quasi-divine capacities.

At various times after 1922, Mussolini personally took over the ministries of the interior, foreign affairs, colonies, corporations, defense, and public works. Sometimes he held as many as seven departments simultaneously, as well as the premiership. He was also head of the all-powerful Fascist Party and the armed local fascist militia, the MVSN or “Blackshirts”, who terrorized incipient resistance in the cities and provinces. He would later form the OVRA, an institutionalized secret police that carried official state support. In this way he succeeded in keeping power in his own hands and preventing the emergence of any rival.

Mussolini also portrayed himself as a valiant sportsman and a skilled musician. All teachers in schools and universities had to swear an oath to defend the fascist regime. Newspaper editors were all personally chosen by Mussolini, and only those in possession of a certificate of approval from the Fascist Party could practice journalism. These certificates were issued in secret; Mussolini thus skillfully created the illusion of a “free press”. The trade unions were also deprived of any independence and were integrated into what was called the “corporative” system. The aim, inspired by medieval guilds and never completely achieved, was to place all Italians in various professional organizations or corporations, all under clandestine governmental control.

Large sums of money were spent on highly visible public works, (Like Bullet Train and Central Vista) and on international prestige projects. These included as the Blue Riband ocean liner SS Rex; setting aeronautical records with the world’s fastest seaplane, the Macchi M.C.72; and the transatlantic flying boat cruise of Italo Balbo, which was greeted with much fanfare in the United States when it landed in Chicago in 1933.

The principles of the doctrine of Fascism were laid down in an article by eminent philosopher Giovanni Gentile and Mussolini himself that appeared in 1932 in the Enciclopedia Italiana. Mussolini always portrayed himself as an intellectual, and some historians agree. Gunther called him “easily the best educated and most sophisticated of the dictators”, and the only national leader of 1940 who was an intellectual. German historian Ernst Nolte said that “His command of contemporary philosophy and political literature was at least as great as that of any other contemporary European political leader.”

Between 1936 and 1941 during operations to “pacify” Ethiopia, the Italians killed hundreds of thousands of Ethiopian civilians, and are estimated to have killed about 7% of Ethiopia’s total population. Mussolini ordered Marshal Rodolfo Graziani “to initiate and systematically conduct a policy of terror and extermination against the rebels and the population in complicity with them. Without a policy of ten eyes to one, we cannot heal this wound in good time”. Mussolini personally ordered Graziani to execute the entire male population over the age of 18 in one town and in one district ordered that “the prisoners, their accomplices and the uncertain will have to be executed” as part of the “gradual liquidation” of the population. Believing the Eastern Orthodox Church was inspiring Ethiopians to resist, Mussolini ordered that Orthodox priests and monks were to be targeted in revenge for guerrilla attacks. Mussolini brought in Degree Law 880, which made miscegenation a crime punishable with five years in prison as Mussolini made it absolutely clear that he did not want his soldiers and officials serving in Ethiopia to ever have sex with Ethiopian women under any circumstances as he believed that multiracial relationships made his men less likely to kill Ethiopians.

Mussolini favored a policy of brutality partly because he believed the Ethiopians were not a nation because black people were too stupid to have a sense of nationality and therefore the guerrillas were just “bandits”. The other reason was because Mussolini was planning on bringing millions of Italian colonists into Ethiopia and he needed to kill off much of the Ethiopian population to make room for the Italian colonists just as he had done in Libya.

The Climax

On 25 April 1945, as Allied troops were advancing into northern Italy, Mussolini and his mistress Clara Petacci set out for Switzerland, intending to board a plane and escape to Spain but were arrested on 27th April.

With the spread of the news of the arrest, several telegrams arrived from the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) headquarters in Siena with the request that Mussolini be entrusted to the control of the United Nations forces.

The next day, Mussolini and Petacci were both summarily shot, along with most of the members of their 15-man train, primarily ministers and officials of the Italian Social Republic. The shootings took place in the small village of Giulino di Mezzegra and were conducted by a partisan leader who used the nom de guerre Colonnello Valerio, whose real identity was Walter Audisio. Mussolini was killed two days before Hitler and his wife Eva Braun committed suicide. The RSI only survived for another four days before Mussolini’s defence minister, Rodolfo Graziani–the lone Italian marshal who remained loyal to Fascism after 1943–surrendered its remains on 1 May.

On 29 April 1945, the bodies of Mussolini, Petacci, and the other executed Fascists were loaded into a van and moved south to Milan. At 3:00 a.m., the corpses were dumped on the ground in the old Piazzale Loreto. The piazza had been renamed “Piazza Quindici Martiri” (Fifteen Martyrs’ Square) in honor of fifteen Italian partisans recently executed there.

After being kicked and spat upon, the bodies were hung upside down from the roof of an Esso gas station. The bodies were then stoned from below by civilians. This was done both to discourage any Fascists from continuing the fight, and as an act of revenge for the hanging of many partisans in the same place by Axis authorities. The corpse of the deposed leader was subject to ridicule and abuse. Fascist loyalist Achille Starace was captured and sentenced to death and then taken to the Piazzale Loreto and shown the body of Mussolini. Starace, who once said of Mussolini “He is a god” (a la Har Har Modi), saluted what was left of his leader just before he was shot. The body of Starace was subsequently hung up next to that of Mussolini.

*The End*

“Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.”

(PS: Thankfully, India, with its deep society, ancient wisdom and indigenous ways of life in harmony with the immense diversity of nature and the innate diversity of human habitats, cultures and belief systems, love and respect for human dignity, is not Italy. Even Gujarat is not anywhere close to being like Italy.)

So that we can make a new beginning with the Free Earth Alliance working towards our shared purpose of a healthy harmonious and holistic world order.

Coming up…