Monthly Archives: January 2020

क्यों “हिन्दू राष्ट्र” एक कोरी कल्पना है जो न तो हिन्दू है न ही राष्ट्र

भारत एक प्राचीन साझी संस्कृति एवं सभ्यता है. मानव की उत्पत्ति इसी भूभाग से होती है जिसे आगे चलकर हिन्दुस्तान भी कहा जाता है. हिन्दुस्तान यानी हिन्दुओं की भूमि। हि यानी माया + इंदु यानी चन्द्रमा जो मन का अधिदैव है. इस दृष्टि से हिन्दू शब्द मानव का ही पर्यायवाची है. इसी तरह से देखें तो बोस इंडिकस कही जाने वाली गौ माता की उत्पत्ति भी इसी भूभाग से होती है जो इंडिकस शब्द से स्पष्ट है.

हिन्दू सनातन धर्म पर आधारित जीवनचर्या का पालन करते हैं जिससे उन्हें भौतिक उत्कर्ष भी प्राप्त होता है एवं इससे उनमें आध्यात्मिक चेतना का भी विकाश होता है. काल के प्रवाह में जब मानव इस भूभाग – जिसमें वर्त्तमान अफ्रीका एवं ऑस्ट्रेलिया भी सम्मिलित थे – यहां से निकलता है इसी सनातन वटवृक्ष से जैसे अनेक शाखाएं निकलती हैं. बौद्ध जैन शिंटो यहूदी ईसाई एवं इस्लाम इसी विशाल वटवृक्ष की विविध शाखाएं हैं. ऐसे में भले ही हम अपनी पहचान से अपने हिन्दू मूल को विस्मृत कर चुके हैं, हम सब इस सत्य से अवगत होते हैं की हम सभी समस्त मानव जाति के पूर्वज हिन्दू थे एवं समाज के अंतर्द्वंद्व से ही समय समय पर विविध मत, रिलिजन, मजहब, पंथ एवं सम्प्रदाय का सृजन होता है और वे उसी सनातन प्रवाह में फिर से विसर्जित भी हो जाते हैं. ऐसे में सिर्फ पूर्वजों के भारत के कटे-छंटे भूभाग में जन्में होने और उनके सरकारी कागज़ उपलब्ध से हिंदुस्तान यानी इंडिया की नागरिकता को जोड़ना एक भारी विसंगति है जिसका हम सबको प्रतिकार करना चाहिए।

bharat khand

हिन्दुस्तान भारत या इंडिया का क़ानून आज कई विसंगतियों से भरा पड़ा है. आज भारत के ब्रिटिश आधिपत्य से स्वतंत्रता के सात दशक में पश्चात उस कालखंड में निर्मित भारतीय संविधान के समीक्षा की आवश्यकता है. जिसमें इन विसंगतियों पर विचार-विमर्श किया जा सके एवं आज की परिस्थिति के अनुसार संविधान में संशोधन किया जा सके. इस आलेख में इनमें से कुछ विसंगतियों को चिन्हित किया है.

आज के हिन्दू समाज में भाई भाई से अलग होकर कुटुंब को तोड़ता है तो भारत का मौजूदा क़ानून इसे स्वीकार करता है. क्या यह हिन्दू परंपरा के विरुद्ध नहीं है? पति और पत्नी अलग होना चाहे तो डाइवोर्स या तलाक की कोई हिन्दू परम्परा न होते हुए भी इसे हिन्दुओं पर थोपा जाता है. दो से अधिक बच्चे या बहुविवाह को गलत ठहराया जाता है जो भी हिन्दू परंपरा का खंडन है. व्यवहारिक एवं वैज्ञानिक दृष्टी से भी देखें तो प्रकृति-प्रदत्त पारम्परिक हिन्दू व्यवस्था के प्रतिकार का ही परिणाम है की आज पृथ्वी का पर्यावरण संतुलन नष्ट हो रहा है. छोटे परिवारों का इकोलॉजिकल फुटप्रिंट यानी पर्यावरण पर बोझ अधिक होता है.

कुटुंब परिवार में इकॉनमी ऑफ़ स्केल एवं डिवीज़न ऑफ़ लेबर के आधार पर वे पर्यावरण पर बोझ बनने की बजाये अन्य समस्त जीव-जंतु, वनस्पति एवं नदी-पहाड़ की तरह  प्रकृति के संरक्षण एवं  संवर्धन में सहायक होते हैं न की बाधक एवं विनाशक। परन्तु कुटुंब को तोड़कर अधिक से अधिक प्रदूषणकारी माल बेचने  और मुनाफाखोरी करने वाले विघटनकारी विज्ञापनों या दुष्प्रचार फैलाने वालों के लिए कभी “टुकड़े-टुकड़े गैंग” या “अर्बन नक्सल” जैसी संज्ञा का उपयोग क्यों नहीं होता है?

यहां तक की किसी नगरों की “प्राइवेट गेटेड कम्युनिटी” की नागरिक समिति भी इकट्ठे नहीं रह पाती और छोटे छोटे टुकड़ों में बँट जाती है. फिर वे सार्वजनिक सड़क को घेर कर अपने गेट और प्राइवेट गार्ड भी बिठा देते हैं जिससे आने जाने वाले राहगीरों की अनावश्यक प्रताड़ना होती है जिन्हें लम्बी दूरी का मार्ग लेना पड़ता है. इन गेटेड कम्युनिटी के चारों तरफ ऊंची कंक्रीट की दीवारें कड़ी हो जाती हैं जिससे न तो बारिश का जल कुएं तालाब या भूगर्भ में इकठ्ठा हो सकता है, न ही हवा का प्रवाह बन पाता है.  जलवायु में होने वाले अवरोधों के दुष्प्रभाव से वातावरण प्रतिकूल होता है. गर्मी के दिनों में गर्मी अधिक होती है और सर्दियों में ठण्ड बढ़ जाती है.

परन्तु ग्राम नगर एवं जनपद स्वराज की हिन्दू परंपरा जिसे राष्ट्र कहा गया है, उसे नष्ट कर आसुरी शहरीकरण एवं औद्योगिकरण पर आधारित वृहद् भूभाग को “राष्ट्र” कहा जा रहा है जिसके प्रशासनिक संचालन के लिए प्रदूषणकारी हवाई जहाज, रेलगाड़ी या मोटरगाड़ी की यात्रा अनिवार्य हो जाती है. इसके लिए बड़े कारखाने के सस्ते एवं घटिया प्रदूषणकारी उत्पाद आवश्यक हो जाते हैं क्योंकि प्राकृतिक संसाधनों के आसुरी दोहन से सबका साथ सबका विकाश भी एक कोरी कल्पना रहकर सिमट जाती है. फिर शुरू होता है शोषणकारी एवं दमनकारी नीतियों का सिलसिला जिसमें समाज के किसी ख़ास वर्ग को साड़ी समस्याओं के लिए जिम्मेवार ठहराते हुए उनके प्रति नफरतगर्दी और दहशतगर्दी का माहौल बनाया जाता है. नागरिक संशोधन क़ानून इसी शैतानी सोच की उपज है जिसके निशाने पर सिर्फ मुस्लिम ही नहीं, समाज के वे सभी शोषित एवं वंचित वर्ग हैं जिनके पास दशकों पुराने कागज़ों को सहेज कर रखने के लिए स्थायी घर हैं न ही सुरक्षित लॉकर। सबका साथ सबका विकाश एवं सबका विश्वास का नारा देकर वोट बटोरने वाले राजनीतिक तबके का यह हम सबके साथ विश्वासघात है.

mere sapno ka bharat

जो लोग ऐसे वृहद् क्षेत्र को जबरन राष्ट्र कह रहे हैं उन्हें न तो हिन्दू संस्कृति, सभ्यता एवं परम्परा की समझ है न वे समझना चाहते हैं. न ही उन्हें सनातन मानबिन्दुओं पर आधारित राष्ट्र की सही परिभाषा ज्ञात है. इस्लामी और ब्रिटिश आक्रांताओं के नक़्शे कदम पर चलते हुए उनकी मंशा सिर्फ और सिर्फ सत्ता हथियाना है.

“वैदिक साहित्य में, विभिन्न स्थानों पर किए गए उल्लेखों से यह जानकारी मिलती है कि उस काल में अधिकांश स्थानों पर हमारे यहाँ गणतंत्रीय व्यवस्था ही थी। कालांतर में, उनमें कुछ दोष उत्पन्न हुए और राजनीतिक व्यवस्था का झुकाव राजतंत्र की तरफ होने लगा। ऋग्वेद के एक सूक्त में प्रार्थना की गई है कि समिति की मंत्रणा एकमुख हो, सदस्यों के मत परंपरानुकूल हों और निर्णय भी सर्वसम्मत हों। कुछ स्थानों पर मूलतः राजतंत्र था, जो बाद में गणतंत्र में परिवर्तित हुआ। महाभारत के सभा पर्व में अर्जुन द्वारा अनेक गणराज्यों को जीतकर उन्हें कर देने वाले राज्य बनाने की बात आई है। महाभारत में गणराज्यों की व्यवस्था की भी विशद विवेचना है। कौटिल्य के अर्थशास्त्र में भी लिच्छवी, बृजक, मल्लक, मदक और कम्बोज आदि जैसे गणराज्यों का उल्लेख मिलता है। उनसे भी पहले पाणिनी ने कुछ गणराज्यों का वर्णन अपने व्याकरण में किया है। आगे चलकर यूनानी राजदूत मेगास्थनीज ने भी क्षुदक, मालव और शिवि आदि गणराज्यों का वर्णन किया।” (१)

कहीं भी पूरे भारत खंड को एक राष्ट्र की संज्ञा नहीं दी गयी न ही हमेशा से भारत किसी एक राज्य के अधीन रहा . परिस्थिति के अनुसार राज्यों की सीमायें बदलती रहीं शासक भी बदलते रहे। राष्ट्र की परिभाषा पर एक अन्य परिचर्चा (२) से भी स्पष्ट है की अधिकतर लोगों के समझ में राष्ट्र की परिभाषा को लेकर स्पष्टता है न ही “हिंदू राष्ट्र” का ढिंढोरा पीटने वाले समूहों द्वारा ऐसा कोई सार्थक प्रयास किया गया है. नहीं तो इतनी भारी भूल संभव नहीं होती।

ऐसे में जब कोई भी जनपद या राज्य एक बड़े संघ से स्वतंत्र होना चाहता है इसकी अनुमति भारत का क़ानून यदि नहीं देता तो क्या आपको नहीं लगता की उस क़ानून को बदल देने की आवश्यकता है? मैं ऐसी स्थानीय स्वतंत्रता की पैरोकारी सिर्फ भारत के लिए ही नहीं समूचे विश्व के लिए कर रहा हूँ. इसके साथ साथ इन सभी स्थानीय जनपद राष्ट्रों के परस्पर सहयोग एवं समन्वय के लिए एक नयी वैश्विक संस्था – वसुधैव कुटुंब का भी प्रस्ताव रख रहा हूँ. विश्वगुरु भारत अभियान के तहत इस समग्र योजना को क्रियान्वित करने का भी प्रस्ताव है. इसकी घोषणा २ फरवरी २०२० को झारखण्ड की राजधानी रांची से की जायेगी।


(१) – हमारे ग्रन्थों में राष्ट्र और गणतंत्र की अवधारणा—-डॉ. विनोद बब्बर

(२) – परिचर्चा : राष्‍ट्र क्‍या है ?

Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi: Could he be India’s next Prime Minister in these troubled times?

4 days to go.
Modi’s resignation by 14th January, as I could foresee a month back, even as it may still come as a pleasant surprise to many even now, will be the best thing to happen to India after a long time. How could I see this coming when many others seem to believe that India will have to bear with this corrupt crook for another 20 years as by then he will have placed his puppets in all key positions? Like the JNU VC Malamadi, a most despicable Electrical Engineering professor from IIT Delhi who treats Social Sciences or “Quali” as “hot air” like so many fellow IITians do, bending more towards the “Quanti” which for most Modi’s andh-bhakts relates to the population of certain communities.

The question really for me is whether Narendra Modi will resign gracefully or be thrown out of office in utter disgrace. More than him though, the bigger challenge will be to manage his andh-bhakts who are likely to throw in fits of rage, depression, and trauma not different than those of some of the fraudulent self-proclaimed “godmen”, we have witnessed in recent times.

One, right from the beginning of his first term in 2014, everyone in the BJP I know – Ramlal ji, Vinay Sahasrabuddhe (till the time he came under the evil influence of another fanatic “Quanti” guy and rabid Islamophobic Vijay Chauthaiwale), Dr. Joshi, Advani ji sees him as a usurper to the premier position, a necessary evil who could attract the moneybags at a time when Congress Party under Sonia-MMS duo was taking the country away from its Hindu roots and many old-timers, honest to the core, idealist and good thinking people referred to BJP as Bhikhari Janta Party. They had no choice to keep quiet and hide their deep anguish and resentment even as they rarely vented it in public. As a deep insider, however, I have been privy to the inner conversations and chose to be the torchbearer for truth and weather the storm.
One such occasion was at Udaseen Ashram when Dr. Murli Manohar Joshi confessed that he must have committed sins in his past life that he had to get into today’s murky world of politics. A senior statesman who played a stellar role in exposing the coal mafia as head of the Public Accounts Committee, besides his numerous contributions as Union Minister for Human Resource Development and a deep understanding of Indian culture and civilization. A rare species in the political habitat of India. In the emerging federal structure, he is likely to be lots more accessible to Chief Ministers across the political spectrum.
modi jhola cave
Modi’s predicament today is more like Angulimal, in the folklores, who robs people to run his family and makes a garland by cutting one finger of his victim. But when a sage asks him if his family members are willing to partake of his sins, they refuse. This shakes the robber to the core and he picks his jhola and becomes Maharishi Valmiki. I won’t be surprised if fraudster and mass murderer Modi does a similar introspection and becomes a famous sage meditating in the caves of Kedarnath.

Should Modi-Shah be treated at par with Nirbhaya rapists for their heinous and dastardly acts?

Disagreements must be settled with debate. As a Swadeshi activist, as I told one of the BJP National Vice President Dr. VINAY Sahasrabuddhe @vinay1011, who i have worked with before, yesterday at his office on 8, Ashoka Road, what Modi-Shah did in Jamia and JNU is unpardonable and a below-the-belt act.

Should Modi-Shah be treated at par with Nirbhaya rapists for their heinous and dastardly acts of sending masked goons to girl’s hostel in JNU and earlier vandalism in Jamia library? Are they guilty of bringing infamy and Nazi-type stigma to a tolerant, peaceful and harmonious Indian society?

This is as heinous and dastardly as the Nirbhaya rapists who are to be hanged on Jan 22. I would give even harsher punishment to this powerful but cowardly duo as this repeat offenders and psychopaths are doing it with impunity that has emboldened their cadre.
modi risk 2020
Reflecting upon the current situation where Modi, who continues to be the Prime Minister has had to cancel his Assam visit tomorrow due to Anti-CAA protests there, I would like to propose a bipartisan solution that I shared at Shaheen bagh in my address to diffuse and dissolve the CAA-NRC crises so that the country can focus on rising hunger, poverty and other critical issues such as Ganga, Jammu Kashmir, Air Pollution, Farming distress and loss of livelihoods, urban unemployment and the problems specific to Delhi. This is also highlighted by the SDG report by NITI Aayog.

My address offering a bold and radical solution to end the CAA-NRC imbroglio. This was at Shaheenbagh on Tuesday 7th January 2020 addressing the gathering against CAA-NRC. The crowd response was warm and enthusiastic and could possibly be a game-changer for long-lasting peace and harmony in the country, de-escalate and diffuse the explosive military situation between India and Pakistan and pave the way to reunite Pre-British Hindustan.

cv shaheenbagh

Chandra Vikash I Shaheenbagh I All Indians are Hindusthani Hindi and Hindu

Agenda: Comprehensive and Non-Linear Adaptive solution for Top 5 critical links for multifarious problems of Post-British India in a highly globalized world today in the LACE-GAIA Earth Parliament framework. LACE stands for Localised Abundance & Circular Economies in the villages, forests, and cities and GAIA stands Global Assembly of Indigenous and Autonomous communities in the villages, forests, and cities.
1. Indefinite fast by 22-year old Sadhvi Padmavati since Sun 15 Dec 2019 to save dying river Maa Ganga due to unchecked pollution and obstructions belying promises and claims made by the Govt of India and by the Uttarakhand Chief Minister.
2. Grave humanitarian crises in Jammu & Kashmir and escalating tensions on Indo-Pak border
3. Killer Air Pollution in the national capital of Delhi and 97% of India
4. Deepening distress in farming, rural and forest areas due to systemic over-exploitation and suppression of human rights and the attendant problem of rising unemployment and population burden on urban areas for factories, roads, and housing which in turn put pressure on forests, pastures, and farming land in a vicious cycle.
5. Raging controversy and protests across India on CAA-NRC which is largely perceived as divisive and distractive and poorly timed.
Rationale: The express purpose of calling this Emergency meeting at a short notice is five-fold. One is the indefinite fast by Sadhvi Padmavati to save the dying river Ma Ganga which is in its 3rd week now and a national meeting at Matri Sadan in Haridwar on 5-6 January 2020. Two is the grave humanitarian crises as narrated by a large number of people from diverse organizations from Jammu and Kashmir at a meeting last week on 22nd December 2019 at Gandhi Peace Foundation in New Delhi and their urgent cry for help from rest of the country in the national capital. Three, killer air pollution is continuing unabated due to the governmental failure to pin down the fanatic Car Culture as the criminal culprit as elaborated in the LACE framework and instead of blaming the already distressed farmers. Four is self-explanatory in Agenda #4 above. Five is the need to dissuade the conflict-ridden parties to climb down from their rigid stances and to create an amicable and congenial atmosphere involving neighboring countries for a peaceful and harmonious resolution. So far, I have been sharing my feedback with Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe and a few key leaders who I had met within BJP. This is for the first time however, I feel an urgent and critical necessity to rise above party lines in the larger national interests.  My introduction to Vinay ji was through this vision paper in 2013 and later shared with Ramlal ji. Link at : – लोक सभा चुनाव 2014 : सभ्यता की चुनौती और समाधान
Approach* :
More and more often, solutions to complex human conflict require complex solutions—solutions involving diverse organizations such as diverse ideologies, police forces, first responders, other government departments, non-government organizations, civil society, and militaries. As a result, the politics of these operations can be Byzantine, the logistics overwhelming, and the moral and ethical considerations dizzying in their implications.This deeply perceptive comment reflects an understanding of what theorists of complex adaptive systems call “the law of requisite variety”—the proposition that there is a positive correlation between the complexity of a problem, the complexity of actors generating solutions to the problem, and the complexity of the solutions themselves. According to this law, a successful adaptive system must have a repertoire of behaviors at least as wide as the range of behaviors expressed by its surrounding environment. To widen its repertoire of behaviors, in turn, an adaptive system must increase its internal complexity.

In large measures in the Indian context though, a conventional mechanistic ontology—and a concomitant “management” approach to policy—underpin thinking about war, peace, and international security. This ontology assumes that conflict systems have relatively easily discernible boundaries, that the behavior of a system is an additive consequence of the behavior of its parts, that effect is proportional to cause, that it is possible to discriminate among multiple causes in terms of their causal power, and that the “gold standard” of explanation involves the identification of a single, necessary and sufficient cause of a given phenomenon.

These assumptions are often invalid. Conflict systems are often fundamentally “complex” in that they are characterized by feedbacks, causal openness, causal synergy (interactivity), the disproportionality of cause and effect (i.e., nonlinear behavior), and contingency. At a time when most people in India seem to be overwhelmed with the complexities that unwittingly pits them into binary camps of BJP-Congress and Hindu-Muslim to name just two of several other fault lines, the need for this approach is unprecedented and might well mark a new beginning in conflict resolution in this country that befits India’s traditional role as Vishva Guru Bharat.

– * Ref: Conflict in a Nonlinear World: Complex Adaptation at the Intersection of Energy, Climate, and Security by Thomas Homer-Dixon


Articles on Ganga –

1. – Ganga depletion leading to loss of indigenous livelihoods: Fasting saint tells activist
2. – Demand to decommission polluting habitats, industries along Ganga, rehabilitate sufferers
3.  – IITian and IIM pass out on hunger strike in Delhi to protect river GangaTalk/Article on Jammu & Kashmir issue
1.  – Address on 9 Feb 2018 by I D Khajuria, President – J&K Forum for Peace and Territorial Integrity of State

2.  –  Central control ‘draconian’, offer Article 370 ‘special status’ to villages, towns, districts
Presentation/Articles on LACE-GAIA framework
1.  – Transforming Brownfield to Greenfield using LACE* Model
2. – Importance of indigenous learning to achieve UN goal of combating desertification, drought September 20, 2019
3. – What after the UNFCCC #COP25 disaster? 20 December 2019
Invited Participants

1. Shri I.D. Khajuria, President – J&K Forum for Peace and Territorial Integrity
2. Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, National Vice-President BJP, and President – Indian Council of Cultural Relations  via Ravi Soni PS
3. Shri Amit Shah, Union Home Minister via Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe
4. Shri Rajendra Singh “Jalpurush”, President – Tarun Bharat Sangh
5. Shri Umendra Dutt, Executive Director – Kheti Virasat Mission
6. Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat via Shri Rajendra Singh and Ameya Sathaye, Sarkaritel

7. Shri Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank, Union Minister for Human Resource Development via Prakash Bijalwan
8. Shri Suresh Rathore, MLA Jwalapur, Haridwar via Prakash Bijalwan
9. Shri Basavaraja Patil, National Convener – Rashtriya Swabhiman Andolan
10. Shri KN Govindacharya, Swadeshi Thinker and former National General Secretary of BJP
11. Shri Subramanian Swamy, MP Rajya Sabha, and Economist
12. Dr. (Smt.) Vandana Shiva, Ecological Activist, and Scientist
13. Shri Deepak Sharma “Pradeep”, Media Convener Swadeshi Jagran Manch
14. Shri Deepak Parvatiyar, Media Adviser, Indian Federation of UN Associations
15. Shri Sitaram Yechury, General Secretary CPI(M)
16. Shri Jairam Ramesh, MP Rajya Sabha and former Union Minister of Environment & Forests
17. Shri Ramlal, RSS and former National General Secretary (Organisation) for BJP
18. Shri Murli Manohar Joshi, MP Lok Sabha, Former Union HRD Minister, and BJP founding member
19. Shri Derek O’Brien MP Rajya Sabha
20. Shri Sanjay Raut MP Rajya Sabha and Journalist
21. Shri Pavan Verma, former MP Rajya Sabha, Political Observer, and Cultural Adviser
22. Shri MG Devasahayam – Former Army and Indian Administrative Service officer, is an economist, soldier, and administrator
23. Shri Yashwant Sinha – Former Union Finance and Foreign Minister
24. Shri Prakash Bijalwan – Youth leader and meeting coordinator
“Our past associate in the Policy Research Centre, Shri Chandra Vikash is intelligent, well qualified, passionate and committed to Swadeshi ideology”.
– Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe in an email to Shri Vijay Chauthaiwale on Aug 21, 2013
Sincerely Yours,
Chandra Vikash
B.Tech IIT Kharagpur MBA IIM Calcutta
Convener – Global Academy for Indigenous Activism (GAIA)
Chief Mentor & Innovation Coach – GAIA Innovation Lab
A: A1-001, Krishna Apra Gardens, Vaibhav Khand
    Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, U.P. – 201014
M: +91 9582941382

मेरे सपनों का भारत

अब न विदेशपरस्त विपक्ष बचा
शेष रहा न कोई बहाना।
स्वदेशी के उर्ध्वगामी मार्ग पर
है हमें अब लौट आना।।

गौ आधारित कृषि हो
हो कृषि आधारित उद्यम।
बने भारत एक बार फिर से
सुन्दर समृद्ध और सक्षम।।

अंत्योदय तक साधन पहुंचे
शिक्षा स्वास्थ्य हो निःशुल्क।
स्वदेशी हो भोजन, भजन, भवन
भाषा भूषा स्वदेशी से सुसज्जित हो मुल्क।।

राम मंदिर, गौ एवं गंगा जैसे
सांस्कृतिक धरोहर हो संरक्षित।
हर क्षेत्र का समुचित विकाश हो
आजीवन हो आजीविका आरक्षित।।

ग्राम, गुरुकुल, नगर, अरण्य हों
संस्कृतमय हो जन जीवन।
वेद उपनिषद गीता की ज्ञानगंगा में
प्रकाशमय हो सबका मन।।

जल जंगल जमीन जानवर पर
हो स्थानीय ग्राम नगर समाज का अधिकार।
राजा प्रजा की सेवा करे
खुशहाल हो कारीगरी और कारोबार।।

वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम के दर्शन से
पर्यावरण संकट से हम जाएँ उबर।
विश्वगुरु भारत से सम्मान हो
सोने की चिड़िया के उग आएं पर।।

स्वदेशी का विश्व प्रतिमान बने भारत
सहेज कर अपनी थाती।
होली हो फूलों के खुशबुदार रंगों से
दीपावली हो संग दीया और बाती।।

चंद्र विकाश
स्वदेशी विचारक
२३ मई २०१९

All Indians are Hindusthani Hindi and Hindu

My address offering a bold and radical solution to end the CAA-NRC imbroglio. This was at Shaheenbagh on Tuesday 7th January 2020 addressing the gathering against CAA-NRC. The crowd response was warm and enthusiastic and could possibly be a game-changer for long-lasting peace and harmony in the country, de-escalate and diffuse the explosive military situation between India and Pakistan and pave the way to reunite Pre-British Hindustan.

Chandra Vikash I Shaheenbagh I All Indians are Hindusthani Hindi and Hindu

cv shaheenbagh

india caa jammuandkashmir nrc pakistan #1947partition 

Open Letter to my former political mentor Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe

Dear Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe,

CC: All the distinguished and eminent invitees for National Emergency Meeting in Delhi

Greetings for the Engish New Year!
I hope the new year as celebrated globally brings new cheer and churning to your thinking. I hope by the time we meet again and this time with Amit Shah, Hon. Union Home Minister, you would have summoned the courage to stand up for the truth and further prevail upon the Bharatiya Janta Party to break away from the dull and insipid divisive and distractive politics to polarise the country into Pro-CAA-NRC (a byword for rabid Islamophobia and Adharmic) and Anti-CAA-NRC (Truly Indian and Dharmic) camps even though there is a vain and desperate attempt to present it otherwise.

I had a detailed talk with your 26-year old Personal Secretary Ravi Soni, who is far more balanced and sensible than what your public posturing as a BJP mouthpiece might suggest. This is a dark and morbid phase in your life in more than 7 years that I have known and followed your public statements since. I sincerely hope that this is the absolute rock bottom for you and that you don’t intend to stoop any lower.

To update you on further developments, spiritual leader and spearhead of the Ganga Satyagraha Pujya Swami Shivanand Saraswati Ji at Matri Sadan in Haridwar has shared his written consent for this strategy to take up a comprehensive set of national issues and to summon Emergency meeting on IMMEDIATE basis. I had suggested 3rd of January as in the earlier email below, and accordingly, Shri ID Khajuria, a voice of sanity, sanguinity and stellar statesmanship from Jammu and Kashmir is arriving to Delhi on 3rd January morning and we shall be meeting at Gandhi Peace Foundation at ITO at 1030am in the morning. Given the grave and fast deteriorating humanitarian crises in Jammu and Kashmir due to poorly-conceived and knee-jerk policies of your government, we would like to meet Mr. Amit Shah and Mr. Narendra Modi wherever they are, AS WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED BY LUMINARIES AND KEEN DELHI OBSERVERS THAT BJP IS NOW A 2-MAN PARTY. 

I shall earnestly request you to arrange the meeting for Shri Khajuria on his URGENT Delhi visit when people in Jammu are under debilitating duress and dire distress. 
I shall also invite you to accompany 15-20 Ganga activists who will be leaving for Haridwar on 4th January for the 2-day National Meet on saving Ma Ganga and 22-year old Sadhvi Padmavati who has been on an indefinite fast since 15th of December last year in this chilling winter in North India.

I deeply and wholeheartedly thank you for being my political mentor till the time I caught Arun Jaitley’s bluff and bluster on bullet train at Vigyan Bhavan 2 years back. You have avoided meeting me since despite my repeated and relentless requests. I share this with deep hurt and anguish that you are letting the country and humanity down by turning away from the truth and from Dharma.

This is both my ultimate gratitude and final warning to you to roll back CAA-NRC and address the first 4 critical issues before we take up the 5th issue at a suitable time in a more congenial and candescent environment. Hope you will not disappoint us for this last time.

Sincerely Yours,

Chandra Vikash 
B.Tech IIT Kharagpur MBA IIM Calcutta 
Convener – Global Academy for Indigenous Activism (GAIA)
Chief Mentor & Innovation Coach – GAIA Innovation Lab  
A: A1-001, Krishna Apra Gardens, Vaibhav Khand
    Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, U.P. – 201014
M: +91 9582941382 

On Sun, Dec 29, 2019 at 1:06 AM Vishvaguru Bharat <> wrote:
Emergency Meeting in New Delhi
on Critical National Issues

Date & Time: Friday 3rd January 2020 from 10 am to 5 pm (Lunch 1230pm-130pm)
Venue: 8, Ashoka Road, New Delhi (to be confirmed by tomorrow in case of any change) 
Agenda: Comprehensive and Non-Linear Adaptive solution for Top 5 critical links for multifarious problems of Post-British India in a highly globalized world today in the LACE-GAIA Earth Parliament framework. LACE stands for Localised Abundance & Circular Economies in the villages, forests, and cities and GAIA stands Global Assembly of Indigenous and Autonomous communities in the villages, forests, and cities.
1. Indefinite fast by 22-year old Sadhvi Padmavati since Sun 15 Dec 2019 to save dying river Maa Ganga due to unchecked pollution and obstructions belying promises and claims made by the Govt of India and by the Uttarakhand Chief Minister.
2. Grave humanitarian crises in Jammu & Kashmir and escalating tensions on Indo-Pak border
3. Killer Air Pollution in the national capital of Delhi and 97% of India
4. Deepening distress in farming, rural and forest areas due to systemic over-exploitation and suppression of human rights and the attendant problem of rising unemployment and population burden on urban areas for factories, roads, and housing which in turn put pressure on forests, pastures, and farming land in a vicious cycle.
5. Raging controversy and protests across India on CAA-NRC which is largely perceived as divisive and distractive and poorly timed.
Rationale: The express purpose of calling this Emergency meeting at a short notice is five-fold. One is the indefinite fast by Sadhvi Padmavati to save the dying river Ma Ganga which is in its 3rd week now and a national meeting at Matri Sadan in Haridwar on 5-6 January 2020. Two is the grave humanitarian crises as narrated by a large number of people from diverse organizations from Jammu and Kashmir at a meeting last week on 22nd December 2019 at Gandhi Peace Foundation in New Delhi and their urgent cry for help from rest of the country in the national capital. Three, killer air pollution is continuing unabated due to the governmental failure to pin down the fanatic Car Culture as the criminal culprit as elaborated in the LACE framework and instead of blaming the already distressed farmers. Four is self-explanatory in Agenda #4 above. Five is the need to dissuade the conflict-ridden parties to climb down from their rigid stances and to create an amicable and congenial atmosphere involving neighboring countries for a peaceful and harmonious resolution. So far, I have been sharing my feedback with Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe and a few key leaders who I had met within BJP. This is for the first time however, I feel an urgent and critical necessity to rise above party lines in the larger national interests.  My introduction to Vinay ji was through this vision paper in 2013 and later shared with Ramlal ji. Link at : – लोक सभा चुनाव 2014 : सभ्यता की चुनौती और समाधान
Approach* :
More and more often, solutions to complex human conflict require complex solutions—solutions involving diverse organizations such as diverse ideologies, police forces, first responders, other government departments, non-government organizations, civil society, and militaries. As a result, the politics of these operations can be Byzantine, the logistics overwhelming, and the moral and ethical considerations dizzying in their implications.

This deeply perceptive comment reflects an understanding of what theorists of complex adaptive systems call “the law of requisite variety”—the proposition that there is a positive correlation between the complexity of a problem, the complexity of actors generating solutions to the problem, and the complexity of the solutions themselves. According to this law, a successful adaptive system must have a repertoire of behaviors at least as wide as the range of behaviors expressed by its surrounding environment. To widen its repertoire of behaviors, in turn, an adaptive system must increase its internal complexity.

In large measures in the Indian context though, a conventional mechanistic ontology—and a concomitant “management” approach to policy—underpin thinking about war, peace, and international security. This ontology assumes that conflict systems have relatively easily discernible boundaries, that the behavior of a system is an additive consequence of the behavior of its parts, that effect is proportional to cause, that it is possible to discriminate among multiple causes in terms of their causal power, and that the “gold standard” of explanation involves the identification of a single, necessary and sufficient cause of a given phenomenon.

These assumptions are often invalid. Conflict systems are often fundamentally “complex” in that they are characterized by feedbacks, causal openness, causal synergy (interactivity), the disproportionality of cause and effect (i.e., nonlinear behavior), and contingency. At a time when most people in India seem to be overwhelmed with the complexities that unwittingly pits them into binary camps of BJP-Congress and Hindu-Muslim to name just two of several other fault lines, the need for this approach is unprecedented and might well mark a new beginning in conflict resolution in this country that befits India’s traditional role as Vishva Guru Bharat. 

– * Ref: Conflict in a Nonlinear World: Complex Adaptation at the Intersection of Energy, Climate, and Security by Thomas Homer-Dixon


Articles on Ganga –

1. – Ganga depletion leading to loss of indigenous livelihoods: Fasting saint tells activist
2. – Demand to decommission polluting habitats, industries along Ganga, rehabilitate sufferers
3.  – IITian and IIM pass out on hunger strike in Delhi to protect river Ganga

Talk/Article on Jammu & Kashmir issue
1.  – Address on 9 Feb 2018 by I D Khajuria, President – J&K Forum for Peace and Territorial Integrity of State

2.  –  Central control ‘draconian’, offer Article 370 ‘special status’ to villages, towns, districts

Presentation/Articles on LACE-GAIA framework
1.  – Transforming Brownfield to Greenfield using LACE* Model
2. – Importance of indigenous learning to achieve UN goal of combating desertification, drought September 20, 2019
3. – What after the UNFCCC #COP25 disaster? 20 December 2019
Invited Participants

1. Shri I.D. Khajuria, President – J&K Forum for Peace and Territorial Integrity
2. Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, National Vice-President BJP, and President – Indian Council of Cultural Relations  via Ravi Soni PS
3. Shri Amit Shah, Union Home Minister via Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe
4. Shri Rajendra Singh “Jalpurush”, President – Tarun Bharat Sangh
5. Shri Umendra Dutt, Executive Director – Kheti Virasat Mission
6. Shri Gajendra Singh Shekhawat via Shri Rajendra Singh and Ameya Sathaye, Sarkaritel
7. Shri Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank, Union Minister for Human Resource Development via Prakash Bijalwan
8. Shri Suresh Rathore, MLA Jwalapur, Haridwar via Prakash Bijalwan
9. Shri Basavaraja Patil, National Convener – Rashtriya Swabhiman Andolan
10. Shri KN Govindacharya, Swadeshi Thinker and former National General Secretary of BJP
11. Shri Subramanian Swamy, MP Rajya Sabha, and Economist
12. Dr. (Smt.) Vandana Shiva, Ecological Activist, and Scientist
13. Shri Deepak Sharma “Pradeep”, Media Convener Swadeshi Jagran Manch
14. Shri Deepak Parvatiyar, Media Adviser, Indian Federation of UN Associations
15. Shri Sitaram Yechury, General Secretary CPI(M)
16. Shri Jairam Ramesh, MP Rajya Sabha and former Union Minister of Environment & Forests
17. Shri Ramlal, RSS and former National General Secretary (Organisation) for BJP
18. Shri Murli Manohar Joshi, MP Lok Sabha, Former Union HRD Minister, and BJP founding member
19. Shri Derek O’Brien MP Rajya Sabha
20. Shri Sanjay Raut MP Rajya Sabha and Journalist
21. Shri Pavan Verma, former MP Rajya Sabha, Political Observer, and Cultural Adviser
22. Shri MG Devasahayam – Former Army and Indian Administrative Service officer, is an economist, soldier, and administrator
23. Shri Yashwant Sinha – Former Union Finance and Foreign Minister
24. Shri Prakash Bijalwan – Youth leader and meeting coordinator
“Our past associate in the Policy Research Centre, Shri Chandra Vikash is intelligent, well qualified, passionate and committed to Swadeshi ideology”.
– Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe in an email to Shri Vijay Chauthaiwale on Aug 21, 2013 
Sincerely Yours,
Chandra Vikash 
B.Tech IIT Kharagpur MBA IIM Calcutta 
Convener – Global Academy for Indigenous Activism (GAIA)
Chief Mentor & Innovation Coach – GAIA Innovation Lab  
A: A1-001, Krishna Apra Gardens, Vaibhav Khand
    Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, U.P. – 201014
M: +91 9582941382 

मेरे सपनों का भारत

अब न विदेशपरस्त विपक्ष बचा
शेष रहा न कोई बहाना।
स्वदेशी के उर्ध्वगामी मार्ग पर
है हमें अब लौट आना।।

गौ आधारित कृषि हो
हो कृषि आधारित उद्यम।
बने भारत एक बार फिर से
सुन्दर समृद्ध और सक्षम।।

अंत्योदय तक साधन पहुंचे
शिक्षा स्वास्थ्य हो निःशुल्क।
स्वदेशी हो भोजन, भजन, भवन
भाषा भूषा स्वदेशी से सुसज्जित हो मुल्क।।

राम मंदिर, गौ एवं गंगा जैसे
सांस्कृतिक धरोहर हो संरक्षित।
हर क्षेत्र का समुचित विकाश हो
आजीवन हो आजीविका आरक्षित।।

ग्राम, गुरुकुल, नगर, अरण्य हों
संस्कृतमय हो जन जीवन।
वेद उपनिषद गीता की ज्ञानगंगा में
प्रकाशमय हो सबका मन।।

जल जंगल जमीन जानवर पर
हो स्थानीय ग्राम नगर समाज का अधिकार।
राजा प्रजा की सेवा करे
खुशहाल हो कारीगरी और कारोबार।।

वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम के दर्शन से
पर्यावरण संकट से हम जाएँ उबर।
विश्वगुरु भारत से सम्मान हो
सोने की चिड़िया के उग आएं पर।।

स्वदेशी का विश्व प्रतिमान बने भारत
सहेज कर अपनी थाती।
होली हो फूलों के खुशबुदार रंगों से
दीपावली हो संग दीया और बाती।।

चंद्र विकाश
स्वदेशी विचारक
२३ मई २०१९